An upcoming swimming competition? Water and light work together!

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Kona, Shio, and Hikaru were walking around a shopping mall as Hikaru had said she wanted to go shopping that day. They chatted about things that happened that week during school and asked Kona if she had enjoyed going to school. They were overall having a really good time together.

"Man I love shopping. Especially with you guys," Hikaru said.

"It is much more fun to hang out and go shopping with friends," Shio said.

"We won't be able to do it much during this next week though..." Hikaru said and sighed.

"Oh yeah you're right..." Shio said.

"Why won't we be able to hang out? Are you both busy with something?" Kona asked.

"Were both quite busy yeah," Shio sighed," there's a swimming competition coming up on Saturday and the swim team is going to be practicing longer and later than normal everyday this week."

"You're both on the swim team?" Kona asked.

"Well kind of. I'm an actual swimmer on the team and Shio is a student coach, helper person?" Hikaru explained.

"I'm what you could call the student president or sponsor of the swim team," Shio explained," I also tend to help out the swimmers when they get injured or sick."

"Ah okay," Kona said understandingly," that's kind of cool that you're both on the team."

"Maybe you should look into joining after the competition," Hikaru said," I think you'd be a great fit."

"Huh? Oh I don't think I'd be that great for the team," Kona laughed nervously," I'd probably have to practice for a while to get used to how you do things."

"Or you could just...swim as a mermaid," Hikaru giggled.

"You're funny Hikaru."

"She can't do that-fi," Delphi shouted," she'd be turned into an experimen-"

"Yeah yeah Delphi I know. It was a joke," Hikaru sighed and waved her hand.

"We should be getting back home soon. It'll be dinner time soon," Shio said.

"Yeah. And training starts tomorrow anyways so we should get a good amount of rest," Hikaru said

"You're right. Let's get goi-"

"Hey Kona!"

They all turned around and saw Takumi running towards them. He stopped and smiled at them.

"Oh hey Takumi," Kona beamed," what are you doing here?"

"Oh I just...was walking around I guess. I came here to get some stuff for a project the student council is doing and ran into you guys," Takumi explained.

"What are you guys doing?" Shio asked.

"It's a secret."

"A secret huh?" Hikaru questioned.

"Yeah. I can't tell you guys yet but I promise you will like it," he said and smiled.

"Hmm," Hikaru and Shio hummed.

"Anyways, can I talk to Kona for a minute?" Takumi asked.

"Sure. But we gotta get going soon so be quick," Shio advised.

Shio and Hikaru walked outside while Takumi and Kona stayed behind by the fountain inside.

"So what did you want to ask me?" Kona asked.

"Well...I was wondering if you wanted to maybe...go out to get some food or something sometime..." Takumi stuttered.

"I think I'd like that."

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