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Kim Aeyoung's POV

(Reminder:Aeyoung is the CEO,Jisoo's 'mom'.And their company was about games)

"Jisoo,you better come to the meeting this time,it's really,really important."

"Do I have to?"

"Yes,If you are drinking or betting,come here first,then you can do what you want."

There is a pause on the phone,and she gone off.

I sigh and prayed silently,please come,most of the staff are losing hope on you now,Jisoo,
We can't really have the next CEO who everybody dislikes.

Luckily,she come,even early this time

"I came not because I cared about your company,It's for Aunty."

This girl is as hard as stone.

The staff were surprised that she came,I stand proudly next to her,but she roll her eyes,stepping away from me.

"I don't want to play happy families."Jisoo Said quietly,only loud enough for us to hear.

"This is shows we are slowly beginning to lost our buyers to the Min Company."Saids the marketing manager,"We must doing something new,refreshing like Min Company."

"Should we use the style of Min Company?"A staff suggest

"No,we don't want to be the Min Company,we want to be ourselves,our own way,do we have any ideas?"I massage my hurting temple

There was a few more ideas,but all of them aren't good enough

I looked at Jisoo several times,she opened her mouth,but close it again,she must have something to say.

"Jisoo."I got everyone's attention,"What's your idea?"

"I don't know."She said.

"I don't know if you are this useless."I shake my head.

"I am not useless!"She suddenly stand up,"The payment of the 17,000 won per month is clearly too expensive,so lowered the price to 10,000,that's cheaper than normal games,but further on in the game,good weapons would have to cost."

The staff was shocked,so am I.

"And."She carrying on saying,"when you made the games,have you really thought young people is going to play this?I downloaded it and it was trash,who want these old fashioned design,the characters clothes just not good enough."

Jisoo gasp and put her hands over her mouth,while everyone is shocked,not because she is rude,but she is a hidden genius.

She flounce out of the room,leaving us,speechless

Jisoo's POV

Kim Aeyoung called the guard to get me back to the meeting,I stroll through my contacts,as I click one.

"This is Jisoo,and come and pick me up,NOW!"I Said to the phone,"I am escaping."

"Thrill,I am at work,today is Tuesday,I don't need to stuck around you."Seokjin Said calmly.

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