Hoop earrings

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Jisoo's POV

'How to look rebellious?"

I type this sentence into the search engine,I need to find more ideas to be the'Bad Girl Jisoo'

I ignore all of the fashion websites,and click into the images of rebellious girls

Okay,I scroll through a bunch of girls wearing black,
come on,do every girl who is rebellious wear black?Are there any new ideas?

Suddenly,my eyes catches something special,it's a girl in a dark green jacket,with these huge hoop earrings.

I am definitely buying this!

Sadly,it's way too much expensive for me....After that Seokjin spend a quarter of my income,I am so poor I cannot even afford the earrings!


I find a website that sold really cheap hoop earrings like that,and free delivery,too.Guess I can just miss out the jacket!

Yess! I am lucky today!

My jaw dropped when I tried my new earrings,it's broken already and it's keep dropping off my ear.

This is what you got if you buy stuff on untrustworthy websites,Jisoo!

But it look fabulous on me.,I will just have to cover the broken bits with my hair.

Tomorrow morning,I wear it to the hospital.

I was causally minding my own business when I find one of my hoop earring,missing.

I don't want to tell Seokjin,who is measuring a patient's temperature,so I start to look for it.

First I use a book to cover up my nervousness,as I drop the book on purpose to look for my earring on the ground.

After the patient is gone,I sit back down and pretend to be interested in this book I have in my hand

But whatever language is it written in,Spanish?French?Gibberish probably,I study the book in a confused expression.

"Jisoo."Seokjin Said.

"Shut up,I am paying attention reading my book."I turn my head away to hide my left ear where a earring should have been.

"Lovely book."He Said in a weird tone,like he is trying hard to laugh or something

"Yeah."I Said annoyed,"Please read your documents or something."

"Are you able to understand what is it saying?"

"Just because you are a doctor,and I failed my biology,doesn't mean you can show off your med knowledge."I shot him a killer look

Surprisingly,he chuckle."Oh,really,I don't think you truly understand that,because...."

He lean forward and get my book and turn my book,"You are reading it up side down."

"If you are finding it easier to read cuz you failed your biology,I am happy to just let it be."He smirk.

"Haha,really funny."I read the book,not upside down this time.

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