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Jisoo's POV

It's as if I have frozen this moment, we drop to stunned silence, even Aeyoung widens her eyes. 

Giving myself a silent prayer, I tell them my plan with Hyunjin, not leaving out the smallest detail.

"So," Clapping my hands together, I smile at their shocked faces, "Any questions, children?"

None of them laugh at my joke, they start talking all at once, you have no idea the power those two hold, they do their best to convince me out of it, some of those speeches actually moves me a bit, but none can make me drop this idea. 

Finally, they give up. "Jisoo, if you actually want to do this, let me help," Seokjin says sincerely. 

No no, that's why I haven't told you earlier, to keep you out of trouble, "Just don't," I give his hands a reassuring squeeze, "Your bright doctor career lays right in front of you, trust me, I can do this, all you can do is to wish me luck."

He opens his mouth to say more, only to be silence by Aeyoung, she sighs, "You can't change her mind, Doctor Kim, maybe just go with what she says. Jisoo is reckless but not an idiot, she probably has back plans, and Hyunjin's silver tongue can talk them out of any situation, I know them both for years, I trust them to do this."

"Yeah, you have to trust me." I ruffle Seokjin's hair, Jennie has done this to her boyfriend Taehyung to calm him, "It's not like I am going on a kill mission," I smile. 

After a long time, he finally gives me a sad smile says fine. 

Now the hardest part of my plan is completed, time to step into action. 


Hyunjin and I have both decided it's the safest to go at lunch break, where corridors will get busy and crowded, easier to blend in. Nights are easier, but it's also likely to be spotted. It's getting inside that's a challenge. 

"Do you have an appointment?" Says the security guard, luckily it's a different one than the last one I've encountered.

I wave the plastic bag I am holding, inside is a takeaway Seokjin had ordered, "Seasame chicken and fried rice, Little Chinatown, delivery for Dying Chipmunk." The name is Hyunjin's idea. Since we don't want to drag anyone in the company into trouble, usernames are much better and understandable, not everyone wants to expose personal information.  

Clearly dealt with a bunch of takeaway deliveries, he points behind him and let me pass, "Elevator is that way!" Then he turns to Hyunjin, who is pretending to be an intern, "Now you, what are you up to?"

I press the button for the elevator, glad that I am not spotted yet. I can't wait for Hyunjin because it will only cause suspicion, hope we won't be causing any today. 


Luck is on my side today, there's only a woman in the elevator who is way too obsessed with her phone to notice me. 

Hyunjin told me most of the cameras in the building have been stopped, only ones with the red glint are recording. One disadvantage of coming in at daylight is that we cannot have access to the control room, so dodge the cameras, I guess. 

Taking twists and turns, soon, I am in front of the CEO's office, as expected, it's locked during her break and a new doorbell is placed on the door. 

A text from Hyunjin tells me that he had stolen the keys from a woman's desktop and appointed me to get it. 


I have found the keys and unlock the door, unexpectedly, there are no luxury brands lying around or clothes scattered. The room is clean and tidy. 

My recording pen is still where it was, hidden beneath the big leaves of the pot plant. Nayeon's probably still enjoying her lunch, maybe I can find some more evidence. 

Opening drawers, looking inside documents, there's nothing that can be useful, slumping to the floor, I almost yelp when I heard the click of the door opening. 

A thousand things race through my head, how can Nayeon be back already? And why haven't Hyunjin warn me about it? I shot an annoyed glance at my phone and crawl under the table, making up a backup plan. 

Instead of the clatter of Nayeon's high heels, I hear another voice, "Director Im? Are you here?" The owner of the voice jumps to defense mode, "I didn't mean to barge in, but the door was unlocked and I need you to sign this..." Her voice trails off, "Director Im?" She askes again, then silently closes the door. 

I climb out, kicking myself for being so careless - I could have locked the door from inside, now this employee can easily tell Nayeon and oh no - this is when I spot a bump under the chair. It's a USB, this little thing must be important, or Nayeon wouldn't have to hide it in such a secret spot, I slide the USB into my pocket with the recording pen. 


I meet up with Hyunjin outside of the building and head to my house to see what on earth is the USB. 

While I am sending a text to Seokjin, Hyunjin plugs the USB into his laptop, there are lots of folders. We click folder 2F, inside are more folders, 1C, 2C, 3C, S...etc. 

"Do you have any idea what it means?" I jerk my head towards the computer screen. 

He shakes his head, "Dunno, Nayeon is smart, she probably clones a bunch of them to confuse us with the actual important information hidden, hope that we don't need to click on all of them."

"Where would she put it though? The most obvious place is the safest place." I offer this information. 

"Then where do you think it's the safest folder, genius?" Mocks Hyunjin, pointing at folder 1F, 2F, 3F, 4F...

I ignore him, "Click on 1F,, then enter 1C, open 1C, maybe there's actually important stuff there after all."

He does what I told, hesitates a moment before clicking 1C, I know what he is thinking, he is scared its false hope, scared it's nothing but more folders.

But it isn't false hope, inside 1C, is a recording. 

"Security Camera recording." Hyunjin snaps his fingers, "But why Nayeon have to hide it, though? I bet there's a gold mine if we search carefully enough, she might have done something sinful and caught it on camera."

Camera, something sinful...

I grab the mouse, where was it? where was it? Second floor? Second floor it is. 

Clicking into 2F then S, (stairs), I find the recording I am looking for, skipping until I saw the sight of Minhyuk coming closer and closer until he falls down the stairs. 

Hyunjin gasps, I almost forgot he is here, "But didn't Nayeon say you pushed him down?"

I smile, "Yep, seems like we find our gold mine after all."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2020 ⏰

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