Part 10

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Twilight started to cry.


Then Pinkiepie slapped her.

Pinkiepie:Stop screaming, anyone who is not invited will appear, It is a private party for you have not noticed.

Twilight:Why?.... Pinkie, why are you doing this?

Pinkiepie:Well, I only wanted to spend time and have fun with my friends, but you refused, rejected me in a very rude manner, I do not like to reject the invitation, so I tried again and look. Now we are all together, and so we go to stay!

Pinkiepie:Hey, you know what? I like your eyes!

then she pointed a knife near Twilight's eye

Pinkiepie:They are very pretty.

then she took her eye, and blacked out....

42 hours after... Pinkiepie is wearing Twilight's eyes as her earrings.

Princess Celestia was tied on a chair

Pinkiepie:And that's how everything happened, as you will see, Princess Celestia, many ponies also came to my party, and I would have seemed unfair not to have shared the celebration with anypony other than my friends.

Princess Celestia:And Twilight, WHAT DID YOU DO WITH HER?

Pinkiepie:Should not worry about it, she is with us. 

she said to Princess Celestia smiling...

Twilight dont have any eyes, and hooves.Zecora's skinless and octavia have 2 sticks on her eyes.Then under Princess Celestia's chair was Twilight's hooves.

Pinkiepie:She only wanted to help, and I didn't know what to do with her, and since she couldn't see, I wrote on her body everything I needed to say to the other guests that'll come after, but enough chitchat, LETS KEEP THE PARTY ON, A PARTY THAT'LL LAST FOREVER!!!

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