Chapter 1: Joking Jailbreak

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A short girl entered the lobby through the revolving doors, high heels made light clacking against the floor as she strutted towards detention level 17, flashing her Doctor's ID card at the guards who unanimously allowed her to pass every single checkpoint.

Detention Level 17 housed the worst of the worst, as the young doctor made her way deeper and deeper into the empty abyss of insanity. Each of the doors hid behind it a deranged and broken individual. Some as silent as the empty streets of Mt. Glenn, others screaming their very heads off, sometimes even ramming their skulls against the hardened steel which barred them from exit.

At the end of the hall she stopped right in front of Cell 17-11-10. Unlocking it, she forced it open. (Y/N) still sat in his chair, doodling his bizarre pictures. The Doctor tapped the door, trying to get him to notice. (Y/N) held up his pointer finger, while he scribbled in the last few "HA"s

(Y/N): "Moriarty, go away come again NEVER!"

He wheezed, laughing way too hard to himself. Neopolitan dropped her disguise and took out her parasol. Slamming the tip of her multipurpose tool to the floor. (Y/N) looked up, seeing the frustrated ice cream-colored girl standing in front of him.

(Y/N): "Well well well, I didn't expect a rescue party."

He grinned, as the semblance-dampening handcuffs were not on him while he was in confinement. His (e/c) eyes turned to a shade of dark green. Neo was quick to cover her eyes.

(Y/N): "Come on Neo, I'm just joking around."

He turned off his semblance. Neo gestured for him out of the door.

(Y/N): "Do I really have to leave? I kinda like it around here."

He took up a lounging position in his wooden chair. Neo held her hands to her hips and shook her head slowly. (Y/N) grumbled and in a fit of rage threw the chair towards the wall, breaking it. Then he saw something which could likely be useful to him.

(Y/N): "Ha ha...."

He chuckled, reaching down and picking up a rusty nail which had previously held some of the chair's legs together.

He walked past Neo, who rolled her eyes sassily, concerning the lack of any thank you. The boy skipped merrily down the hallway, singing quietly in a tune to himself.

(Y/N): "One of these days these boots are gonna walk all over you."

Guard: "HEY! (L/N), get back in your fucking-"

The boy shoved the older guard against the wall and repeatedly punched him in the neck using the rusty nail he had acquired from the wooden chair. Laughing as he does it, he turns to Neo who even with her years of criminal activity, visually recoiled in slight horror. The corpse collapsed into a seating position as (Y/N) looked at it, tilting his head and giggling until he was almost out of breath. He then looked back at Neo.

(Y/N): "Why so serious?"

He asked casually, exploding into a laugh-filled craze.

Neo snatched out a notepad and scribbled a sentence in mere seconds with a little pen, showing it to (Y/N) who looked closely at it.

Neo: "My associate admires your work at Beacon, he seeks to hire you for a job."

(Y/N): "What kind of job, better not be some sort of window-cleaner. I'd much prefer a simple fast food joint."

Neo once again rolled her eyes. The boy proceeded down the hallway, followed by Neo. The two of them continued their trek through the maze that was Vale's biggest mental asylum. Corridor after corridor, it was almost as if the madness contained in this building manifested itself. But just then, as the two turned another corner, which was jut before the main lobby. They were faced with guards, armed with taser-staffs.

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