Chapter 29-Save the date

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(Siriously, even two episodes later, didn't you do that? Come on, I'm the only one?)

What's up everyone and welcome back to another adventure with the Mysticons. What do you say? Should we start?

(Ark: Can I ask something?
Me: Yes.
Ark: Why I hear someone laughing from the begingin?
Prox: Sorry, sorry. It's just... this adventure is very funny to me. But I'll get serious now.
Q. Goodfey: We are going to see a lot of things in here.
Zar: I'm sure about it. And yes, I'm talking about my part.
Me: Okay, let's get on it.)

Now the evil had been destroyed forever and this is why Nova sent us on a vacation with the Kirin train. It's like the big train in Russia, which goes from the one end to the other. And of course something big happened, like the fact that it was carrying a cursed diamond with two ghosts in it, which almost destroyed the train, but at least we were all there to stop it. After this adventure... the things took a twisted turn. Nothing special, just someone who hated Zarya threw a poison dart on her, which made her go crazy and attack me and Arkayna, Arkayna got some scars and bruises from the battle and last but not least, exept from the scars and bruises, I got poisoned by this dude and I almost went to die. Luckily, the Assassin was there too, he is also a doctor, and now I had another problem. I was blind for one week and every time I was seeing a snake, I would get very scared and then get blind. At least I managed to learn how to move around and to who I'm talking. Opal and Piper helped me too with it. I could see everything without using my eyes. But I had always a walking stick with me, just in case.

At that time, we were bettween this blind week and Arkayna wanted to have a date with Malvaron after their so many adventures. Because she wanted to make me go out, she made this a "double date". With "who" I hear you ask? Of course with the Assassin. This was a real blind date for sure. Back to our present, when Arkayna is in her room and she does something we didn't actually know. But still we could hear her. Did she do the crazy magic scientist or something?

Ark: Muahahaha, now, for the final ingredient...
Piper: *while busting in the room* What are you doing Arkayna? You are doing it so sneaky.
Ark: No, it's nothing.
Zar: Riiiiiight. *while taking Arkayna's  tablet and inspecting it* Team Cosmoverse? Yuck.
Me: Wait, you were making a potion? I can feel that you all are looking at me right now.
Zar: Touché. How you know about the site?
Me: I'm just looking varius stuff on the airnet, okay? *to Arkayna* So, what are you making?
Ark: A potion which makes you sound fun and witty. You know, confident? I think it's gonna be better than... these.
Zar: Queue cards?
Em: *while reading one card* Well, here we are Malvaron, isn't it a blank date?
Ark: *in a panicked tone* I've... I've also made some other choices, just in case. A sunny, rainy, explody?
Me: I wonder where you had planned us to go.
Ark: *sigh* *whispering* I'm just so nervous.
Piper: But you are the Dragon Mage.
Ark: I don't feel like the Dragon Mage.
Em: Everyone freaks out before their first date. You'll be fine.
Arkayna and me: Hey, it's not a date.
Zar: Okay, whatever you say sis.
Me: Look, you just need to act as your usual self and the words will come out, but of course you need to have some control of them.
Ark: Aren't you nervous after all?
Me: *ironicly* No, no, only I can't see completely and the only times we've met was during job. Really Arkayna, how do you think I feel?
Ark: You are nervous too, but you have good hopes.
Me: Exactly.
Ark: I guess you are right, I don't need some potion to hang out with Malvaron. Oh, can you help us to pick which shoes we'll wear tonight and meet you downstairs?
Piper: *while walking away with all of us, except Arkayna* Oh, you should wear your sparkle star-shoes.

But did you thought we were really leaving? No my dudes, because Arkayma had planed to drink the potion behind our backs. This is why Zarya grabbed her wrist.

Zar: I knew it. Nice try by the way.
Ark: Haha, I don't know what you are talking about. *while struggling to take the final ingredient* Get off me girls.
Me: No Arkayna, magic can help with a lot, but not with feelings.
Ark: *while still struggling* I just... need to add this.

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