What the Hell is Going On?

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"Boy#21 Hitoki Ranbo-POV"

My chest tightens for a second then my common sense kicks in. "What the hell are you talking about Douku?" I say with a lot of resistance. This wimp is actually dragging me, what in the actual fuck. "Stop!" I say to him but he just won't budge.

What is happening? Why is this guy I don't even talk to, dragging me into a fucking locker room? My mind started wandering for a bit, then I realized there were two more guys in here, I recognize them but I still don't know who they are. "Seriously, what the hell is going o-" I said as I was interrupted by a huge bang. "They've started...." Tatsuya says quietly as he ushers me behind a locker. The other two guys hide in different places.

"Are they...killing them?" The frightened guy asked quietly. "This is why we don't leak this stuff!" The other guy said.

I'm still oblivious about what's going on. What was that bang? And what are those loud sounds? Anyways I'm going to have to leave. I stand up for abit then I feel a hand gripping my foot. "Get off!" I yell, Tatsuya said something but I didn't listen. I can't believe it, these guys made me late for class!

Hold on, why is it so quiet now? That's right, it became quiet when I was about to leave. It's never this quiet... I don't even hear the yells of Mrs. Chua, the grumbles and voices of the other students. Hold on...

I scan the area, Nobody. I feel a chill down my spine as a sense of unease goes over me. Suddenly a scream erupts from the Boys Locker Room, simultaneously another scream comes out from the other hallways. A girl turns around the corner, running for her life. Is she the one that screamed? I see behind her two people in military gear, what the hell is going on?

I hear a gunshot, what was that?

Three Hours Later

"Boy#20 Shinji Mimura-POV"

Dust...The rotting smell of pig carcasses.... Where am I? I look around in the room, I was the first to awoke out of all my other classmates.

What happened? I try to remember what happened before, what happened when we were preparing to go to the Program...Yes! I remember it clear as day.

We were in class, like normal, right before we were to go to the program. The teachers were announcing what we were supposed to d in order to prepare.

Yazuo had an annoyed look on his face, teasing Keita as he usually does as Chichiro laughs at them.

What went wrong?

Bang! I heard through the halls. Screams erupted from the other class as teachers calm us down. It was clear Ms. Chua wasn't informed as well, at least she tried to protect us from those militaristic fiends.

Well... she did before she got shot down, blood spurting on the chalkboard as Ms. Chua struggled to breathe.

And then Bang! I pass out after a hard hit in the back of my head, and now I'm here.

I try to analyze the bloodied room, Yazuo is right next to me, head bloodied from a hard hit. I see Keita next, nose gushing with blood, probably due to a hard hit as well. I can't find Chichiro, it seems it's only boys here...

The door opens, and with a bushy mustache and military uniform walks in, along with about three soldiers. They were wearing what the guys who took us were wearing.

"Good Evening Students of Shukketsu Academy!" he says with a wide smile on his face.

By this point people start to wake up, Yazuo gets up, holding his head and gesturing to me.

"What's going on?" he whispers softly. I try to answer with "I dont--" but I was interrupted by the man.

"No Talking or Whispering!" He yells out loud. But the whispers never stopped throughout the classroom.

"It seems you think I'm fooling around eh, Bring him in!" He commands his soldiers, but what was brought in wasn't something we were ready to see....

Yazuo widened his eyes, filled with despair and fear. I covered my mouth out of speechlessness but it might be because I wanted to puke.

What was displayed was Tatsuya Douku, naked, castrated, his eyes poked out and filled with wounds.

Douku was a shy guy, he was squeamish and never wanted to resist in anything. But now, his head, filled with holes that make him almost unrecognizable, you could see the inside of his head through his poked out eye holes and blood drizzled down his body from the multiple stab wounds around his waist. It almost looked like he was flayed and roasted.

"Care to take it seriously now?" Everyone freaked out, screaming, yelling and puking." This man tried to resist us, well, you see what happens when you resist the emperor's orders."

He ended that statement with such subtle threatening tone that we were immediately silenced.

Me and Yazuo looked at each other, our world will not be the same anymore...

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