Lustful Eyes

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What was my intelligence worth?

......In this situation?

"Boy#01 Keita Nijima-POV"

I'm so stupid! I'm not smart at all. I took too much time and now Kuro is here. Where'd I get shot? The side? It might not be fatal then. Kuro is making a mockery of me, not finishing me off yet. He's laughi- He's looking directly at my eyes! "What with your face buddy?" He says mockingly while pointing the gun at me. "Go get Mitsukawa." he says to his crewmate. It's over, he's gonna pull the trigger and I'm going to die. Then a a voice was heard from the entrance. Kuro was facing away from the entrance so he couldn't see but, it was Yazuo! How did he get here? I didn't see the others? Are there other exits in the building somewhere?

"Huh-" Yazuo tackled into the ground, his gun misfiring into the trees. "How bout this for a ground and pound eh? Damn Kuro!" Yazuo said as he mercilessly punched Kuro into the ground as if he wanted to kill him, Kuro blocking each hit with his now bruised arms. Yazuo has a scowl on his face but Kuro... Kuro's laughing?

Now'w not the time to think about that I need to get Kuro's gun. I slowly crawl to the gun, my bloody side causing a red streak across the grass. Now's not the time to think about the pain. Now is the time to step up dammit. I stand up, the pain unbearable, and I hear Yazuo get pushed off into the grass where I used to be. I manage to grab the gun but it was too late. I turn around, determined to shoot but Kuro was gone, running into the woods.

"Kuro! Come back coward shit!" Yazuo yelled as he got back up, holding his head. "Damn bitch hit my head, cuz of that I got pushed off damn it." Yazuo continued. But then he looked over at me and then he quickly understood. He put my arm around his neck and started helping me walk. "You really are a wimp." he says as he walked me through the trees and the bushes. I can hear waves crashing meaning we're close to water, I guess it is an island huh. "Shut up damn Yazuo" I replied. Akward silence ensued as we were walking through, Yazuo looking aroun seeming like he wanted to say something. "...If you wanna know where Shinji's at... he stayed behind." Yazuo said in a uneasy and worried tone. It's obvious Shinji was in deep shit.

"Why?" I ask him. His uneasiness grew more until he just had a quick breath and answered. "Kuro's posse was there, the two that didn't go out yet, that old ass guy and that tough one. Shinji stayed behind to distract em, said he could take him since he got a hatchet, but I really doubt if... he'll still be alive the next time we see him." Yazuo answered. Yazou's face is like the face you have when your attending your parents funeral, sad and despaired.

Shinji... I wonder what happened to him,.....Shinji stayed behind to save me huh, thats what you call true courage. What I did back then was true stupidity. I came in with a garbage plan and a garbage weapon expecting what? To save someone? I was too conceited, thought I was smart enough to survive that. It was False Courage. I wanna be like Shi-

"Oy." a voice interrupted.

I stopped thinking and turned to Yazuo whose facing me. "Whatcha thinking birdbrain? Thinking about dying? Or maybe thinking about Shinji?" Yazuo said. I tried to speak but he interrupted me again. "Don't think too much about it. Even when I doubt Shinji he pulls through so this'll be the same. Anyways our problem now is your damn wound." Yazuo continued.

"My wound huh"I say. I forgot about the pain cause I was too lost in my thoughts but, yeah this thing hurts like crazy! "For now let's find some shelter before we deal with this." I say while looking for the possible locations to go to. Maybe a cabin? Or a cave? Or a cliff?

"I'm thinking about going to that cliff over there." Yazuo says as he points at a cliff towering over the rest of the island. "Maybe that'd be good for surveillance and the trees there can be cover for rain. Also I'm pretty sure it'd be easy to secure that place." I answer back. We both agree to go up there.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2023 ⏰

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