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The sky was red, with dark clouds floating through it. Weirdmaggedon was in full swing, the nine member of the zodiac stood in a circle, holding hands. A blue glow emanated from eight of them, but Stan stood off to the side. 

"This is stupid, do you really think holding hands is going to fix anything?" He growled at Ford, anger in his eyes. 

"For gods sake, Stanley, trust me!" Ford forced out through clenched teeth

"Fine, but I want one thing," 

"Stanley there's no time-" Stan interrupted

"Say, thank you."  

"Wha-what?" Ford stuttered in confusion,

"You heard me! I spent thirty years trying to get you back, you still haven't thanked me!" Ford grimaced

"Thank you . . ." Stan seemed unsatisfied, but reluctantly walked up and joined hands with ford. The glow grew so bright it burned their eyes, everyone adverted their eyes, attempting to shield themselves as the world began to spin. 

"WHAT- NO! I'm NoT DonE YeT!" Bill screeched from outside, he floated inside. His eye widened as he saw what was happening, "N-no!" He let out a screech of anger and pain as the blue glow began to deteriorate him. He raised his hand and shot out a blast of white flame, soul flame, hotter then a star. It flew towards dipper, but Mabel, not caring if the spell was broken, jumped in front of the fire, shielding her brother from the heat. 

"Mabel!" Dipper cried out in fear, he moved forward to help but was stopped by Ford yelling,

"Dipper, No! Don't move! The spell could break! It might already!" Dipper hesitantly stayed, but it hurt to see his twin on the ground, in pain, with nothing he could do about it. Her shooting star sweater was singed with a hole in it. On her upper chest, where the fireball had hit her, was a burn that looked like a triangle, a brand, he guessed. 

it hurt his heart to see that. . . His thought process was interrupted when he heard Bills agonized screams. Looking up Dipper saw bill glitching through multiple forms, his words were glitched as well, and it seemed that he was melting.

"I'LL BE BACK!"  Bill's voice layered over itself, sounding more demonic then ever, and just like that, Bill glitched one last time, then disappeared. As soon as bill was gone, Dipper ran to his unconscious sibling and embraced her.

"Its going to be fine, Mabel, it's going to be fine . . ."

Hello! Little AN here

This is my first ever fanfic, my first ever story. Hope you guys like it! I'm thinking this is a good size for each chapter, so this will probably be my standard length (Unless I get on a really good flow and make something super long which I have been known to do . . . ) But yeah! Welcome to Mizar's Downfall! Hope you enjoy reading!

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