Part 2 - Home Sweet Home: Mabel

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Seeing the Mystery Shack, I couldn't help but smile, it hadn't changed one bit! 

Even if I was gone for . . .

It still hurt a bit to think about, that I had missed nearly a month of my friends life. While I had been sleeping in a sterile hotel room, my family had moved on with their lives. They had lived without me, went on . . . without me.

They had probably done so much without me! How many mystery hunts did Dipper go on with Grunkle Ford, and I wasn't there to come with! too make them laugh! It sucked.

I sighed, my good mood now ruined.

"Mabel, you good?" Dipper questioned

"I'm fine!" I smiled widely, my excitement returning as I remind myself that I was back, and that I could come with him next time. It would be fine! Suddenly, as I crossed the threshold, my head began to pound. 


"It's nothing!" I refused to ruin the moment,  it felt as though my bones were vibrating. It hurt horribly, but I kept smiling. 

Walking into the kitchen, I saw the lights were out.

"Huh . . . Hey Dipper? Why are the lights out, Dip? You there?" I spun around in confusion, great. Just great, the lights were out, I couldn't find anyone, and my headache was getting worse. 

"Suprise!" a array of voices shouted, startling me so bad I jumped into the air. I spun around to see many of my friends standing in the kitchen, confetti being thrown. Looking around, I saw Soos, Dipper, and the Grunkles  standing to the side.

 Gathered around me were Wendy, Soos, Candy, and Greta! There was a quick group hug, then everyone started greeting me. It was hard to stay in the moment, as my headache seemed to continously get worse! Still, I did my best to stay involved, and active.

"Mabel," Wendy smiled "Welcome back!"

"Yes, welcome back!" Candy and Greta called to me, waving enthusiasticly. I smiled at them and waved, spreading a warm smile over my face.

"It's good to be back!" Soos ran up to me,

"Dude!" he grabbed me in a giant bear hug, "I've missed you so much!" 

"I missed you to Soos." I smiled at him and hugged him. I was distracted when Grunkle Stan seperated us, 

"Alright, I know we are all very excited but Mabel needs to rest, so shoo!" Everyone slowly funneled out of the house, saying their goodbyes as they left. I found myself suprisingly happy they left. I was so tired, and I didn't feel very good, Everything hurt.

"Okay Mabel, time for bed," Grunkle Stan told me warmly, "Head upstairs, why don't you?"

"Okay, Grunkle Stan!" I ran up the stairs, excited to fall into my bed and sleep. As I entered my room, I saw Dipper sitting on his bed, reading the third journal. 

"Goodnight Dipper." 

"Hm? Oh, goodnight Mabel." He smiled at me and went back to reading the journal. I climed into bed and laid down, cuddling under all of the blankets, I was almost asleep when I heard Dipper murmur,

"I missed you Mabel . . ."

And with that in my head, I fell asleep.

Image belongs to Arieann-Pentagon ( 

on devient art

Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! 

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