Part 4 - Shopping Trip: Mabel

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I walked out the door, Dipper on my heels. He had insisted on coming with, to keep a eye on me, I guess. 

"Bye kids! Have fun!" Grunkle Stan shouted from inside, I smiled before shouting back.

"We will!" I stepped off the porch, my head ached as I walked, but I resolutely ignored it, pushing on.  Dipper shot me a concerned look, which I ignored as well. After a few more seconds of walking, we reached the edge of the property. As we crossed the line, I let out a harsh gasp. The pressure I had been feeling all day was gone. It was a little shocking, to say the least. I had grown used to the constant pain, and it letting up left me feeling . . . floaty, almost. Light and airy, like I could run a mile! 

"Mabel? You ok?" I grinned widely at him, bouncing on the balls of my feet.

"Never better Dipper!" 

"O-ok, whatever you say Mabel." He sounded hesitant, why? Was I coming on too strong? I made a mental note to act a bit calmer.  

"Sorry Dipp, I'm just really excited to see Candy and Greta!" That seemed to reassure him a bit, and he visibly relaxed. 

After a few more minutes of walking we reached the shopping center. I saw Candy and Greta sitting down talking quietly with each other. Upon seeing us, Greta immediately jumped up and ran over. 

"Mabel! I've missed you girl!" She smiled broadly, pulling me into a bear hug. Candy trailed behind her, visibly calmer, yet still looking excited. 

"You ready to shop till we drop?" She questioned, smiling.

"Of course!" We all cackled, starting to walk towards the nearest store. We would most likely hit every one in the mall before we were done. I smiled broadly looking at the scene before me. Candy and Greta walking next to me, talking animatedly, making broad sweeping gestures to accentuate their storytelling. Dipper trailing behind awkwardly holding a few bags, looking for all the world like he regretted coming. I had missed this, this happy go lucky atmosphere. I felt at peace for the first time in a while. 


It had been a few hours, both Candy and Greta looked asleep on their feet as they dragged large plastic bags behind them.

"Well, girls, it was fun but I think I'm shopped out." Both girls nodded their reluctant agreement. 

"Yeah," Candy smiled sleepily, "I'm exhausted."

With that settled, me, Candy, and Greta all went our separate ways. With lots of goodbye hugs. 

"Well Dipper," I looked over to him, he looked tired, "Time to head home?"

"Yep, and promptly collapse into my bed." I chuckled at his remark, grinning impishly.

"Glad you came with?" He nodded sarcastically, and I smiled, "Lets go."



I tried, I am in no way good at writing fluff, but I tried my best. Hopefully you enjoyed this chapter. I wrote this at 2:00 AM, if you can't tell, lol. Thanks for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2020 ⏰

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