Part 3 - Strange: Mabel

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The sun flitted in through the window into my eyes, I groaned, pushing myself up out of bed.

God! My head was ringing, something had to be wrong, maybe I should tell Dipper . . . No, I didn't want to upset him. I shook my head, trying to clear it. It didn't work. As I stood up I suddenly felt nauseous, oh no, this wasn't good. I sprinted to the bathroom in case I threw up, I braced myself on the sink and looked up at myself in the mirror . . .

Something looked . . . Off. 

My face was generally the same, it was little things. My ears were slightly longer at the top, and seemed almost pointed. Huh, that was strange, and looking closer, my eyes were slightly off color, they looked almost yellow, and my pupils seemed slightly . . . oblong. They just weren't the right shape. 

Frowning in distaste, I continued to stare at my reflection. I lifted my hand to my face and tried to pull my hair out of the way to examine my ears when I noticed, my nails were sharper! It wasn't too extreme, but they looked pointed at the end. 

 It was strange, for sure. Maybe I should tell someone? Who would I tell? Dipper, most likely. As much as I knew I should talk to him about it, I felt something holding me back. A flickering thought in the back of my head. With a jolt I realized that I didn't trust Dipper. Since when have I thought like that?  Of course I could trust Dipper! He was my twin! My best friend! The ringing returned full force, making me feel dizzy.

 I stumbled over to the door, bracing myself on the handle. I prepared myself to have to act normal. I shook my head, attempting to clear it. All it did was dizzy me further. I groaned, today was going to be horrible if this feeling didn't let up. I braced myself, and spread a contented smile across my face before pushing the door open and walking down the stairs to the kitchen. 

"Oh, Mabel! Good morning!" Grunkle Stan greeted cheerily, "You'll be happy, I'm making stancakes!" I smiled genuinely.

"Thanks Grunkle Stan!" I walked over to the table and sat down, watching happily as Stan scooped some freshly cooked stancakes onto my plate. Something inside me recoiled at the sight, which confused me. I love stancakes. I shook off the feeling and dug into my breakfast.

"Hey Mabel!" I turned around to see Dipper walking down the stairs.

"Stancakes?" Grunkle Stan offered, smiling. 

"Ah, thanks Stan, but I'll have to pass." He smiled, barely concealed disgust written on his face, I couldn't hold back my little giggle. He smiled fondly at me.

"I've missed you, Mabel." 

"I've missed you too, Dipin-dots!" He chuckled at the nickname, before sitting down across from me at the table. 

"Ah! Mabel, I forgot to mention, Candy and Greta were asking if you would want to go out shopping this afternoon."

"Oh, sure! Why not?" I grinned at him widely, maybe getting out for a bit would be just what I needed, it might help my headache.

"I'll tell them." I nodded, then continued eating, digging into my stancakes hungrily.


Whew,  I know, I've been dead for a while. In all honestly, I fell out of this fandom. I'm not really interested in this book anymore, but I know that I will regret it if I just drop it. I'm gonna continue. Updates won't come that often, but I'm going to try. I made a commitment and I'm going to stick to it dammit. I will try my best, thanks to anyone who has read this.

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