Part 1 - Not Quite: Mabel

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When I woke up, all I could feel was a ringing in my head, it hurt so bad! I slowly opened my eyes and squinted at the room. The walls were white, the bed was white, everything  was white. It almost hurt to look at, I felt exhaustion creeping through me, and I closed my eyes as my head continued to pound.


Somewhere distantly, I heard mumbling it sounded like . . . Grunkle Stan! I fought to open my eyes, but it felt as though they were glued shut. 

"Mabel . . . Mabel? You awake?" Stan's concerned voice sounded through her head, 

"Y-yeeah . . . I'm awake . . . " With one last effort, I forced my eyes open, and blinked at the bright room around me.

"Mabel! I'm so glad you're awake! Ford, Dipper! Get in here!" Stan called out, turning towards the door to the hallway. 

Even in my tired, half dead state, I felt a rush of excitement with the thought of seeing Dipper. I jolted as my brother and Grunkle rushed into the room, Ford looked concerned, Dipper looked cautiously excited.

"Mabel! How do you feel?" Dipper said warmly, I smiled at his voice, I had missed him.

"I'm doing fine, Dipin-dots." I mumbled weakly, my head pounded and I sighed. 

"Are you ok, Mabel?" Ford questioned, his eyes filled with concern.

"My head hurts, but I'm fine Grunkle Ford!" I pulled myself together and put as much optimism into my voice as I had in me. 

I smiled wearily, the pain in my head pulsed, but I didn't show it this time and kept my smile plastered on my face. I didn't want to upset Ford, or worse, Dipper. 

"Are you sure, Mabel?" Dipper said quietly, as if he sensed my lie. I smiled sadly,

"Yes, I'm sure Dipsauce."  Dipper seemed amused with my nicknames.

"I've missed you mabel . . ." He smiled at her.

"Wait . . . How long has it been?" Dipper hesitated, and I felt my heart stop.

"Mabel . . . It's been nearly a month."

Image belongs to 1a-chemist 


On tumbler. 

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