1: The Mute

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Giorno, as the boss of Passione, while cleaning drugs off the streets heard of a human trafficking ring being run outside of his influence. So, he took Bucciarati, and Abbacchio to investigate a suspected hotspot. The intel they were given lead them to a large Catholic church with an orphanage attached.


As they arrived they were greeted by nuns and orphans tending to the various gardens. The Reverend Mother approached the group of men to question them, "Hello, I'm Mother Mary Catherine, may I ask the purpose for your visit to our parish? I haven't seen you here before."

"Boungiorno", Bucciarati replied, "I am interested in speaking to the priest about adoption. My associates accompanied me as we had to travel a few hours to arrive here."

"Father Judah is hearing confessions right now. I can show you the public areas of the orphanage and the church while you wait, I'll have one of the other sisters tell him you gentlemen are waiting." She offered and continued, "There are some girls here that can only be adopted under special conditions, because they have decided to join the convent when they are of age to take their vows."

"Noted, thank you Mother for graciously giving us a tour of your lovely parish." Bucciarati said. The boys had discussed on the ride that Bucciarati would be the face of this interaction, partially because despite Giorno being the boss he was underage and thus cannot attempt to adopt anyone. Abbacchio is a bit to rough around the edges to be the face, but is needed in case they can get any investigation into this little trip. Basically, Bucciarati is diplomatic and of legal age such that he can make official inquiry.

Since there was confession going on the Mother started by showing the guys the gardens. All the younger girls that were out helping tend to the various plots had to be scolded slightly, because they wanted to watch the visitors. A few of the youngest girls broke away from their tasks to present the guys, Giorno drew their attention most, with little flowers (technically weeds mostly) from the gardens. However, the older girls looked at the men with stoic expressions as they weeded and harvested their plots. One girl in particular caught the attention of all three men, something drew them to her gaze, but they didn't stop or ask about her as their tour continued. Then the Mother stopped and called out to her.

"Sister Mary Ceasira, lead the rest of the girls to get ready for lunch," she paused and looked at the men, "would you like to join us? There aren't many restaurants nearby and you traveled far. You are welcome to eat with us, Father Judah will join us when the food is all prepared."

"That is very kind, we would be honored." Bucciarati spoke calmly. He was waiting to hear the girl's voice but nothing happened. Then the three men turned at the sound of clapping, the girl of interest had started a rhythm and all the others followed and began walking to the building. They carried the vegetables they had harvested to the kitchen door where another nun was waiting to lead in preparation for lunch.

"Mother, may I ask a question?" Giorno spoke up.

"Of course"

"Is there a specific reason that young sister didn't call out for the others? Is she under a vow of silence?"

"Oh no, Mary Ceasira became sick when she was around 13 and it struck her mute" the Mother said, "it was so sad at the time, she had a beautiful voice and loved to sing in the choir."

Giorno looked at the girl, something about her made him feel like he needed to speak to her. Since she was mute, that idea was unfortunately impossible. Still there was a draw to that girl.

The Mother continued to show the public areas of the orphanage to the guys while lunch was being prepared. As she explained the different areas she told them about the girls, most were abandoned as babies or found as young children. As they grow some are adopted and others end up becoming nuns, there aren't many that choose to leave and go into the world alone. The girls all attend the local catholic school, it is the only school in the area. There have been some more adoptions of the older girls in the past year, many by single mothers and couples that have been having fertility issues. The mother looks up at a clock on the wall and noticed that lunch should be done within a few minutes.

"We should head back to the dining room, lunch should be almost done." As they entered the room there were children setting the tables. When they would finish their tasks they would disappear to go wash up before they ate.

Then Father Judah walked in, greeted by all the girls in the room, and turned to the group of men. He approached and greeted the visitors, "Hello, I was told we had visitors, welcome to our parish."

"Thank you, Father." The three men replied.

The whole group of orphans, nuns, a few priests, and passione members sat to eat lunch. The gangstars sat with Father Judah, slightly separated from the group, and spoke over about Bucciarati's "interest" in adopting a daughter. He told them that unless he was married they would not allow a girl to be adopted.

"That is a lie" the three men heard, surprising them but they kept straight faces. However, the source of the voice could tell they heard, they all tensed slightly. "So you can hear me? You didn't seem normal. He isn't going to admit to selling us in the current setting. Something is telling me to trust you three, just tell him your wife couldn't make it today and ask to speak privately."

"Father, I seem to have made the wrong impression", Bucciarati said, "My wife was unable to accompany me, but the reason we are considering adoption is sensitive, is it possible to speak to you privately?"

Father Judah paused for a moment, "oh, I'm sorry for jumping to conclusions, I didn't see a ring on your finger so I assumed you were unwed. Of course we can discuss this in my office when we are done."

"Thank you Father, we dont wear rings because my wife is allergic to most metals, it is a common misunderstanding we encounter." Bucciarati smiled and stared calmly, "is there somewhere appropriate for my friends to wait while we speak?"

"The most appropriate places would be the gardens or inside the church. Of course if you choose to wait inside we would ask that you act with reverence towards God's house" he addressed Giorno and Abbacchio.

"Of course, Father" Giorno smiled.

They finished their lunch with random small talk and Bucciarati left the others to have a talk with the priest.

They finished their lunch with random small talk and Bucciarati left the others to have a talk with the priest

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