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Shuichi pov
"Ugh.... my head... wait w-where am I?" I look around. I appeared to be in some sort of dorm? As my eyes began to adjust only to  see a familiar purple-haired boy before me "k-kokichi?" I began to question, thinking it was all a dream "tch...."
He was... alive?
"O-oh my god... k-kokichi? Y-you're alive! but.... I watched you die...."
"Eh? Oh... I'm not dead?"
After a few minutes of trying to figure out where we were, we heard a loud voice coming from the mysterious speaker in our room.
"Attention all hopes peak academy students. You may be wondering where you are. Basicly, all of the killing game you witnessed was just a vr. And for miss shirogane?well, she has been put in jail for the time being. I order you to come to the gym as quick as possible so we can discuss this further"

~time skip brought to you by kaitos stash of strawberry shortcake dvds~

Once every one had arrive at the gym and the teacher had cleared up some things, she said that we would have 2 days to adjust from the tragic game before lessons start. After that she gave us keys to our dorm rooms. The dorm rooms where supposed to be the ones we woke up in, so it shouldn't be to hard to find. You know what that also means?  I'm sharing a dorm with ouma.... great. It's not that I hate him, it's just I feel really.... awkward... around him. I've always been flustered from him "romantic" jokes. What does this mean? Wait, who am I kidding. I dont have a crush on kokichi! Do I? No, im not gay. Plus, like he will ever like me back

Apparently i zoned out for a bit when walking to my dorm room. Luckily, kaito snapped me out of it.
"Uhhh... hello? Earth to saihara?"
"AH! oh.. hehe.. hi kaito"
"Again with the zoning out shuichi? What where you thinking about?"
Oh god. What was I supposed to say!?
"I-i uh... nothing! Anyway who are you sharing a dorm with?"
Crap. Im terrible at lying
"Oh..  okay and I'm sharing a room with maki-roll! I'm so happy! What about you shuichi?"
Woah... he actually bought it... well. That's kaito for you.

"I'm with kokichi"
Kaito frowed as I said his name.
"OH god.... good luck"
I chuckled at his joke and began to walk towards my dorm room.

AAA that was so much FUN to write. I hope you enjoyed the prolauge. Please vote and PLEASE correct any mistakes. Also I will be answering any questions at the end of each chapter. And if you are reading this 1. You proberly arnt, I don't expect to get any reads at 2. We all know it's late, child go to sleep. Chapters will be uploaded every week or sooner if I'm in the mood to write. Bye! ~coco

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