Chapter 2 - Missing

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(Toms pov)

I lost her, my stupid mouth opened, and I didn't shove my foot in it, my motivation was gone she left. I stared at the whiskey bottle and saw the shining brown liquid dance around in it. I hurt her for good now, I blamed everyone's deaths on her. I watched as people walked below, the office was quiet not having Harvey or grim anymore. Don't get me wrong I was upset she never told me she was the Grim Reaper. I saw all the happy couples walk by and wish that it would be me and her. I wished for her to come running back through those doors.


I averted my eyes from the bottle to someone standing in the doorway, her blonde hair pulled back into a ponytail that same voice that could drive Grim insane.

"What do you want Rebecca..."

"Nothing Tommy, I just wanted to see you"

"Well, you've seen me now get out and never call me Tommy again... got it"

She walked over to me and wrapped her arms around my chest, and pressed herself against me

"Come on, let's have some fun"

"Rebecca, piss off"

"Come on, loosen up a bit Thomas"


I spun around throwing her back, I was such a mess, she stood there looking at me helplessly, my hand raised towards the door and my eyes followed making sure she got the message, she stormed out of the room and I turned back around to look out the window.


"For the last time, Rebecca fuck- oh Alex what do you want"

"Well, for one thing, don't fucking speak to me like that"

Her pink hair was tidily pulled back and she wore her typical work outfit, she slowly made her way over to me and took the bottle of alcohol from my hand and slapped me, a shock of pain flooded my cheek


"Pull yourself together Hellbourne"

"babe don't slap Tom"

"Blair, he's being pathetic right now"

"You miss her just as much as any of us, this is his outlet"

Blair walked into the room in a casual shirt and jeans, which was unusual as he wore suits since the funeral, he looked relax and his expression had changed

"Blair, what's with all of this?"


"Alex, what's wrong with your boyfriend?"

"He's found a lead on where she might've gone..."

"wait, what?!"

"Come on I'll show you"

We made our way down to the computer lab and he started typing things into the computer, which was then duplicated onto the big screen, an image of Grim came up on the screen, it wasn't like a normal image, it was an image covered in blood like she murdered someone.

"After she left, she went and found more people associated with our parent's deaths, she found Charles father and shot him then later found some members from his gang which is what this image shows here, this was taken across the city which shows she hadn't gotten far as this was not long after we buried father, but her whereabouts are unknown now as she's removed the tracker from her necklace, phone and ring. We might have a lead, but it isn't confirmed"

"So, I guess that's it... we won't be able to find her"

The room fell silent until Quade busted through the door, sweating and puffing, the biggest smile on his face.

"Blair... they found her"

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