Chapter 4 - A new life

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Her eyes widened in shock and fear, she couldn't move one bit even if she tried, she was rooted to the spot, she looked behind them and saw a few of her friends. Footsteps echoed behind her and she turned around to look at Marius.

"everyone stays upstairs until I call you down"

"Ok, hope you know I'm not staying up there for more than a minute"

She rolled her eyes and turned back to her brother

"What are you doing here?!"

"Looking for my sister"

"Well, ya found me now piss off!"

"Not a chance"

"Ugh get everyone inside I don't want to make a scene"

She stood to the side and watched everyone pile into the foyer, she directed them to the lounge and stood by the tv, she looked at everyone naming them all off. Blair, Alex, Quade, Jaq, Sam, Danny, Evan, Joshua, and of course Rebecca and Thomas.

"Ok, I need an explanation as to why you all are here?!"

"Because you are my sister, and you left the mob without and explanation!"

"I left the mob with a good reason if I became the leader everyone would be dead right now!"

A small bark interrupted the argument and she turned to the door and saw the puppy running in.

"souffle, come here"

She walked over to the dog and picked it up, she started to head back to her spot when she heard a voice

"Mama, have you seen Souffle?"

Everyone turned to look at the little boy, he ran over to Grim in fear and grabbed onto her arm.

"Grim, who is that?"

She looked at tom and rolled her eyes

"Why does it bother you?"

"I'm just wondering why he is calling you mama"

"Honeybear, go to papa ok"

"Papa is coming though..."

Marius walked in and looked at everyone confused, he joined grim and picked Gavroche up.

"I thought I told you both to stay upstairs!"

"Yeah well his puppy doesn't listen"


"Oh, hey Jaq, how's it been"

"Pretty good, so what's all this?"

"Marius, baby... I will explain everything to them just take him upstairs"

She handed souffle to Gavroche and watched as they went back upstairs, she sighed and turned back to everyone

"Grim... you have some explaining to do"

"listen... when I left, I did murder some people, after that I came here and got in touch with Marius, and we ended up dating, we still are and some people left Gavroche on my doorstep so I brought him into our house, he calls me mama and Marius papa so that's what happened, you mention anything to Gavroche I will murder you all... he's only 5 and doesn't need to know that I killed people!"

"grim you had us worried sick!"

"You think I care!? I only wanted to do my job then settle down and have the life I have now!"

"Why didn't you say so?!"

"I told papa that, we made a deal! once I did my job I could have my life!"

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