Chapter 6 - The new ruler

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Everyone's mouth dropped open, eyes widened, and the room was in shock

"A-are you back?!"

She nodded awkwardly and cleared her throat

"I apologize for what happened, but this doesn't mean I am going to take charge"

She placed Gavroche on the ground and placed a kiss on his nose

"go with papa, I have to talk to these people for a few minutes ok?"

"Ok! I love you forever mama!"

"I love you forever bear"

Marius grabbed Gavroche's hand and placed a gentle kiss on Grim's forehead.

"I'll see you in a few"

"Yeah ok, there's a nice bakery down the road go there, say that I sent you"

"Righto, I love you, sweetness"

"I love you too"

They walked out of the room and she turned back around to everyone

"Before you ask, no that little boy is not mine I adopted him, and that is my boyfriend"

"Ok that answers that"

"Grim, why won't you take charge?"

"Because, one, I don't want Gavroche to grow up in this world, I want him to have a normal childhood. Two, I'll put everyone in danger. And three, because we have no proof my father would want me to rule the mob"

"Well actually we do"

She turned around to see Sam standing in the doorway, he walked over and placed a small kiss on Grims cheek and messed up her hair.

"I've missed you poppet"

"I've missed you too, but where is the proof papa wanted me to take over"

He pulled out a black envelope and handed it to grim, her eyes examined it carefully, the slight ting of silver to it, the way it was detailed perfectly. She turned it over and saw the red wax stamp mark of a leaf on it, it was small, but she knew it was her dedicated stamp. She opened it carefully and read it aloud

My dearest daughter

I'm sorry that you have received this letter so soon, I wish I could be there to see you grow up.

I have a few concerns about your darling brothers running this place, as so I have left the mob in your care. I know we made the deal of you leaving after you have done your duties and starting your own life, but as my life has been cut short, I have left the whole mob in your hands to make sure it runs smoothly.

I love you dearly my child, I wish I could watch you grow up and start your own family on earth instead of here, but at least I got to see you grow up till now.

Love papa

P.s. do not let your brothers go into the shooting range and boxing ring altogether.

P.P.S tell Sam to get himself a wife

A small smile crossed her face and she folded the letter back up and carefully put it away.

"I guess that's it..."

She looked up and walked to the front of the table placing her will next to her father's seat, she met the eyes of every mob leader in the room and straightened her back.

"Sam... can you call Marius and tell him he needs to come back?"

"It's too late for that"

Sam stood to the side to led Marius in, he walked up to her and pulled her into a tight hug which she happily returned.

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