I found a Killer - Jungkook

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Yn's PV

Pit pat pit pat


I knew he was coming for me, I heard him coming for me. I was gasping for air, my lungs were about to burst. I felt my whole body burning as his image shined bright in my brain. His mask covered all but his mouth, the top perked up with ears of a bunny. Of course it would be cute, but it was covered in blood and his face had an evil smile plastered on the bottom of it. The blood was everywhere on the walls, ground, some was on me, and it was on him too.

"SHOW YOURSELF" I heard him scream as I was gasping for air behind a box. I knew it was dumb to stop running, but I was at my max. My body needed air and my whole body burned in pain.

Click click

I heard his shoes get closer and closer. I needed to get out, but I had nowhere but to run. I had calmed my breathing enough to run, but I thought maybe I could catch him off guard. That was until he grabbed me as I stood up.

His grip was around my throat and I couldn't breathe. I clawed at him and I saw that smile again. I was panicking now because I knew I was done for, dead, resolved to nothing. My parents wouldn't know where I was, and I didn't have many friends. I was going to die alone. This man, if we even want to call him that, was going to kill me with no remorse. I went limp and he let me go.

"Ahhh you gave up..... That means you have nothing, and to have nothing means you have to keep going. Haha but don't worry, I'll be keeping an eye on you. I will always keep an eye on you YN...." the man growled out with a smooth and raspy voice. I could tell he was tired too. His hands were shaking and his chest would rise and fall rather quickly.

"T-thank you-" I said before standing up and staggering away. I heard him laugh and his steps followed me. I heard that familiar

Click click

I knew he was following me, but will I ever know why? I probably wouldn't. All I knew was that I came here with my friend and..... this man he stabbed him to death. I was starting to cry. The thought of Jimin's voice rang in my head.

"Ah YNNNNN pleaseeeee. You said we could hang out like always, it's been weeks. I saw this abandoned building with all these painting things on them, so I thought maaaaybe we could check it out. Like good old times." Jimin told me earlier this day. I had stuck out with him and well..... I didn't want to be there but he would've went alone so.....

"You think awfully long.... Are you thinking about how amazing your friend looked as he screamed and begged to you leave. You thought he was joking but I killed him. You stood there through it all, did you like it? Did you like how he reached for you? Did you like his little screams? Did you like the way his blood painted the walls? Did you like h-" "SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP!!!" I interupted him. I felt my skin crawl and his piercing eyes in the back of my head.

I bolted and his steps followed mine. His sounded faster but I knew where to go. I ducked and dodged around the area until his steps faded. I didn't stop running though. I needed to get out of there. Jimin's cute smile flashed through my brain and I ran faster. I had to.... for Jimin.

I saw the streets and I didn't stop. It was dark and alone here, so I had to get to where all the lights and cars are. As I turned the corner, I heard the man's voice scream out for me. I didn't know how he knew my name, but I didn't stop to ask. I knew he was going to kill me if I stopped, so why even stop to ask that out of all things?


His shoes made loud clicks as he got closer. I had to run and get out of there, I needed to.... Then I saw the street lights and cars. I knew I was so close to getting there.... just..... a.... little......... more....


Muffled noises

Click clack click clack

I was so close.... But he had me before I knew it.

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