I found a valentine- TAEKOOK

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So I made the edit up above for my friend and this chapter for my friend. I really hope she likes it, and I hope you guys like it. This is a late Valentine's day present to you my dear friend XD

Jungkook's PV

It was February 12 and I still had no date. I had not a single person to ask. I had a crush on this one person but I knew they would deny me. Inevitable heartbreak. I was going to be alone for the 6th year in a row. That's just sad.

"JUNGKOOOOOOOOKKKKK!!!" I jumped up from my couch and clutched my chest. Holy sh-

"JUNGKOOK COME OUTSIDEEEEE!!!" I heard him yell again. Oh I guess I should explain. Ahem-

This is Kim Taehyung

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This is Kim Taehyung. He's 23 and loves to give me drama. If I'm alone for 2 seconds, guess who's there? He's always with me, like a loyal puppy. He loves photography but you'll always catch him playing games. He's a big goof ball and is adorable with everything. His laugh makes me want to curl into a ball and die from the softness. His box smile literally shipped itself into my heart. His shiny eyes are barely brighter than his skin. Everything about him is practically perfect. I act like he annoys me when I really just want to love him. Yeah you heard it, I love him. That's the reason I've been alone for so long. I don't want anyone but him yet I try to get other people.

"JUNGKOOO-" "I HEARD YOU!! ILL BE OUT IN A MINUTE!!" I yell at him in annoyance. Sometimes he's just too much. I slip on my shoes and slide my arms into my jacket.

"Hey Jungkook!!" Taehyung says excitedly as I swing open the door. My face shows all my emotions and thoughts; I'm not having any of it today. His smile falters but it shoots back up when I sigh.

"In 2 days it will be Valentine's day, so I thought maybe w-" "I'm sorry Tae but I don't want to spend all day with you playing games. I want to actually find a date this year, so can I please spend my day getting a date?" I rudely interrupted him but I didn't really care until I saw those eyes. I knew I messed up when I saw his eyes waver. Yeah his smile might fall, but if his eyes show any sign of giving up, you messed up.

"Taeh-" "No, I get it. Spending all day with me is tiring and annoying. I know how you feel, you show it all the time. I just thought maybe I could hang out with the person I li- the person I've been friends with for years." I heard it in the sentence. The person he likes, right? I could see his little panic switch up in the middle of the sentence. I ignore it so he would calm down, but it doesn't really work.

"Do you have nothing to say?" he retorts to my silence. I sigh and grab his hand. He tenses and I pull him close to me. He wraps his arms around my waist and he calms down.

"I don't like hanging out because I don't see you as my friend. Not even a best friend. Not my brother. You're not anywhere on those scales," I say making him pull back. I keep holding him close no matter how hard he tries.

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