chapter 3

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*Flash back*
"Alexander Alexander" Magnus shouted as he had running to him "Magnus what are you doing here? I thought you said that you and yours parents are going to the airport tonight" Alec said surprise that Magnus came to him when he actually supposed to be packing, he didn't wanted that his best friend would leave but he knew it wasn't up to Magnus and he had to go with his parents "Alexander it just.. i just.. i..  I can't go without say goodbye to you" Magnus said as he holding a little box in his hands "you are my best friend and i had to see you before i would leave" Alec looked at Magnus cutely and very happy that his friend came to him before leaving, but then his eyes lend on the little box that Magnus was holding and was really curious about it, Magnus then catched Alec looking at the box and grinned at him "this is a gift from me to you Alexander i wish you to wear this every day like i will wear mine" he said as Alec was still confused "wear what?" He asked eventually "this" Magnus said as he showing Alec his wrist and there was a beautiful superman bracelet on his wrist "i made it by myself and i made one for you, but yours as a batman because at our games you always choosed to be batman and i was superman" Magnus said with excitement when Alec looked shocked and started open the pack on the box then the box looked really nice too he opened it slowly and there was it the beautifulest bracelet he even saw, he took it in his hand holding it as he keeps looking at the bracelet "you made it?" Alec asked with wide eyes shocked he didn't knew what to say and he definitely didn't even know how much talented his best friend was "yes" Magnus said "i made it especially for you" he continue said with shine eyes "so, do you like it?" Magnus asked as he keeps looking at Alec waiting for any response "it.. it's beautiful Magnus" Alec said. He was really touched by Magnus he felt so many things now he didn't even knew what was it but he knew one thing, he would never but never would get that bracelet away he would keep it and save it to remember everything every minute and every second of theirs short time together as the bests friends "I'm so happy that you like it Alexander i going to wear mine ever day i would never forget you Alexander" "i would never forget you either Magnus" Alec said as tears started storm in theirs eyes and they both hugged so tightly didn't wanted to let go, after few more minutes Magnus phone started to ringing "hello?" Magnus answered as he wiped his eyes and nose from crying "Magnus come back we need to go in two hours" Magnus dad said information him "okay dad i will be back in a minute" he said and hang out as he puted the phone in his pocket he looked at Alec again and they both understand that this might be the last time that they would see each others, and were immediately hugged again "it not fair that you are going" Alec said whining "you just moved here few months ago and you already going" he continued crying as Magnus agreed with every word, finally he had his first best friend he could ever wish for and now he should say goodbye to him "i will miss you so much Alexander" Magnus said crying out when they stopped the hugge Alec wiped Magnus tears as he making him look at him taking the bracelet from the small box and was wearing it on his wrist "from now on i promise you this Magnus Bane" Alec said with pride smile "i would never going to get this bracelet off from my hand" he said last words as Magnus eyes shine at Alec smile "Alexander i should go now" Magnus whispered with hurts voice and let go of Alec's hand that was holding his "good bye Alexander i wish one day i would see you again" he said sadly and run away as tears running on his face knowing he would never have a chance to meet Alec again.
*End of flashback*
"Magnus finish yours breakfast and go packing" Lona suddenly said and went out from kitchen, Magnus then zone out as he were still in his thoughts on Alec "okay okay" he said as he finished eating the pancakes his Mom made for him, he thanked her and went straight into his room as he taking out three big suitcases and started filled them with his important stuff.

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