chapter 4

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"Izzy, Jace get down already" Alec shouted as his siblings were still were getting ready for college "relax Alec, we are coming" Jace shouted back as he was running down at the stairs toward the kitchen "i see Mom and dad already left for work" Jace said as he taking a cookie from the table plate "yeah and that means that I'm in church" Alec said as Izzy got into the kitchen now too "Alec relax okay?! We have plenty time until school starts" Izzy said "oh i wish it was true, but unfortunately you are so wrong" Alec said panicked as he looked on the clock that said it was 7:35 that means they had only 25 minutes until school starts "Jace Izzy please hurry" Alec said as he giving them food that he made for them "eat this in the car i dont care! I don't gonna late at our first day you guys understand?!" He continued as Izzy and Jace started packing too and took theirs back bags and were running in to Alec's car "wait where is Max?" She asked as Alec already turned the gaze on "i already drived him to his school he isn't lazy as you two" Alec said sarcastically "ok it not really the time now to argument on that isn't it?!" Jace said as he turned on the music at Alec's car,
"OMG i can't believe that we were almost late because of you two" Alec said as they were running in to the college they went to take theirs schedules at five minutes before classes started "ok so i have math first gosh how much I hate math" Jace complained as Alec checked his schedule and he had English class "gosh why aren't we can be at same class?!" Jace complained again as he saw Alec has English class now "Jace, it doesn't matter now, we need to get in to classes" Alec said as he were already leaving Jace behind him as he heard him shouting after him "who would explain me math now? You know how awfully I'm at this" he shouted as Alec heard him and shouted back as he was still running "I'm sure you would be able to managed" "oh great of course he would say that" Jace mambeled to himself as he went toward his own class "oh fuck I'm so late" Jace shouted to himself as he saw it was already ten minutes after class had already started. When he finally got to class, he went in and of course he was late and the teacher looked at him little mad but slide it as he let Jace in. it was first day at school after all, Jace then looked at all the seats as if there is any place for him to seat after he looked for more few seconds he finally managed to find a place as he saw an empty seat at the back of the class. he went there and sited and already started taking his math book and his pencil and all stuff that he needed for class after few more minutes of the teacher teaching them the door suddenly had opened, and of course Jace had to look like everyone that looked at this Asian pretty boy that just entered in, he looked really good and really stylish and he was wearing makeup and had lots of jewelry too, 'Izz is gonna love this guy' Jace thought at his sister how much she loved stylish people, and this one, well you could call him the master at style, he was keep thinking of what would his sister think about this new guy that he didn't even realized that this new guy going towards him "hi blondie," the New guy said with soft voice "can i seat here?" He asked as jace then saw that the only place that was still ampty was besides him "oh of course, sorry" he said with smile and let the new guy (that he still didn't cutched his name) to passed to the seat besides him.
The class went on and Jace could noticed that this new guy as much style he had he was also smart, in short way to say it that this guy was pretty much perfect 'okay maybe Alec might like him too because he is smart' Jace thought to himself as he saw Magnus writing and solving problems math that he would never understand "hi dude," Jace whispered at Magnus "yeah, what is it?" Magnus asked quietly that the teacher wouldn't hear them "can you help me a little? I don't really understand this" Jace said awkwardly as Magnus smiled to him sweetly. "Yeah of course" he said and took Jace notebook and explained him slowly more or less what the teacher had teached them but with more patiently "you should be the teacher here i understand now much more after you explained me here thank you dude" Jace said smiling "any time blondie, i helping everyone that asking my help" he said in a wink "like a superman" the guy said with smile that Jace laughed a little on that "from all superheros you choosed superman," "yeah" the guy said still smiling. After few more minutes the class had finally finished and The new guy and Jace got up and orgenised theirs stuff "you know," Jace suddenly said after he was thinking a lot, he was pretty surprised that this guy even know what superheros was "what?" The guy asked "it just you don't really look like kind of guy type that would like superheros i don't know" Jace said hoping he haven't said anything fullish "yeah, lots of people say this to me" the guy said and left the class room as he went toward another class he had.
Lunch time had arrived and everyone went in to the cafeteria, Alec, Jace and Izzy finally found an ampty table and sited besides it "so, did you guts saw the new guy?" Jace asked with big smile as Clary came to seat with them too as she kissed Jace on his lips "ohh dude, take a room" Simon said as he got to seat besides them too "so Jace, what have you started to say about the new guy?" Izzy asked curious "well i didn't really cutched his name but this guy is perfect" Jace said as everyone staring at him shocked "let me get this straight" Izzy started say teasingly "the handsome arrogant Jace admitted that there is a man that is more perfect then himself?" Izzy asked with devile smile that made all of them laughing "well he is really perfect what can i say?!" Jace said "oh god please tell me that you are not going to come out too and be gay as I'm, Because boys are my area" Alec said still smiling and laughing at what Izzy said to Jace "let me tell you guys few things about the guy then you think for yourself what you guys want okay?" Jace continue as they nodded to him to continue, "well for first he is super super stylish much and i say much more than i am" Jace continue as he were counting on his fingers "oh and second he super smart he was litterly was managed to explain me everything that the teacher had teached us" he said as Alec raised his eyebrow on that surprised because no one except of him had managed to explain anything to Jace especially in math "oh and for last one it seems like this guy really like superman" Jace giggled but as he said 'The' superman word memories started running inside Alec head "so you say that you got all this from him and didn't even though to get his name? What a shame, i really like superheros too" Simon said with big smile, as Alec were started eating as Magnus name keeps running in his head.

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