chapter 7

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"gosh, i love my sister she is really smart" Alec mumbled in a whisper, relived that his sister smart enough to let them be alone, Magnus and Alec watched how Izzy Jace and Max got inside the car and drived away "yeah i can agree with you on that, i remember that Isabel was always a smar.. ohh" he couldn't finished his sentence as he suddenly felt Alec's arms hugging him from behind "Gosh i missed you so much" Alec whispered as he couldn't control his emotions anyone as he then buried his face in Magnus neck that made Magnus goosebumps again he could litterly feel the butterflies in his stomach "i missed you so much too my Batman" Magnus said at half whisper closing his eyes as he trying not moving enjoying from Alec warm and touch presence behind him as he holded at Alec's hands more tightly to his body that he wouldn't let go of him "yours skin is smelling amazing even more then i remember" Alec suddenly whispered at Magnus ear 'ohh God Alexander, are trying to kill me here?' Magnus thought to himself as he still feeling Alec hot breath on his neck, he tried so hard to not release any moan from his mouth but then he could feel how Alec's hand trying to be released from his grips he didn't wanted to let go of Alec but he had to, maybe Alec felt little uncomfortable like this, he was little disappointed at second he felt the cold air again when Alec let go of him but his disappointment changed as Alec then got Infront of him as he looking deep in his eyes "of course that you are Magnus" Alec suddenly whispered as he taking Magnus face in his hands as he stroking his cheek with his thumb Magnus then leaned into the touch as he closed his eyes holding at Alec wrist with his both hands "don't close yours eyes" Alec suddenly said "please" he pleaded, "i want to see them, i want to see yours beautiful shine eyes that i missed so much" Alec explain softly as he saw Magnus eyebrow raised a little as a question of why open his eyes but after Alec explained him he felt how his heart melting he got too emotional by now that tears had threatened to run down from his eyes "Magnus are you alright?" Alec suddenly asked concerned maybe he said something wrong he was confused "I'm more then alright Alexander" Magnus said as he wrapped his arms around Alec's body and started sobing in Alec's chest Alec of course accepted the hugg happily and hugged him back even more tightly "it just.. i.." he continued sobing "i still can't believe i found you Alexander" Magnus said trying to control his tears unsuccessfully from not falling "and i still can't believe that you are really here and that you back.." Alec said back but then stopped the hugg as he still holding at Magnus shoulders "you have really had back right? You wouldn't leave me again would you?" Alec suddenly asked wiping his own tears from his face and nose "no Alexander I'm not going anywhere anymore even if my parents would decide to move out again, i don't think i can go with them again, i waited too long to see you again Alexander" Magnus said as tears running down his face "great" Magnus said trying wiping his tears a little "now my make up had ruined" he said trying to wiping his tears little more made Alec chuckled on that, he almost forgat how dramatic Magnus can be if things get ruined for him "here let me" Alec said as he took tissue from his packet and wiped the dark shadows under Magnus eyes 'God Alexander stop take my breath away with every gentle touch of you, i wouldn't be able to control myself anyone from kissing you' Magnus thought to himself as he could feel Alec sweet breath on his face "by the way Magnus" Alec said still wiping Magnus cheek even if there was no more tears there he didn't wanted to stop any closeness from Magnus "i think i forgat to thanking you for helping my brother" Alec continue said at a whisper that drived Magnus crazy this husky voice dear god wow but of course Magnus tried to control himself as he answered "well Aleksander, you are the one who taught me at first place how to help others people when they needed it, and i just keep doing this to remember how i needed that help before we even met and then you came, and was the first boy that ever helped me, i would never forget that Alexander" Magnus said softly with smile as he remembering everything from preschool that made Alec smile too as he remembering at theirs first meeting as he handed his hand towards Magnus to help him from thous awful bullies "I'm just glad that i was there" Alec said smiling back to Magnus "that was the best day of my life when i got to know the coolest smartest funnyest and the magical boy i had ever known" Alec said without even realising what he was doing to Magnus by his words
"damn it Alexander stop it i wouldn't be able to control at my emotions anymore" Magnus mind tried to fight so hard to not just lean there and cupped Alec face and take his mouth to his own, "then don't" Alec whispered as Magnus only then realised he said his thoughts out loud "ah what?" Magnus asked surprised as Alec was stroking with his thumb on Magnus cheek now "it just that feeling, I don't know to explain it, but" Alec started to explain as Magnus could feel any sweet breath on his lip "but what?" Magnus asked as he leaning to the touch of Alec's hand "it feels all sudden like you were never left like you always was here with me well not physical but in my heart" Alec said as Magnus looked at him with wide eyes "Alexander that exactly what that I'm feeling" Magnus answered "it strange i thought it would be different, i thought i would be more nervous about meeting you again but.. but you are right, that feeling is like i never left it like i can't explain this either but I'm sure you get what I'm saying" Magnus mumbled the last words trying to explain "hi i get it you can stop mumbling now" Alec said chuckling as he still holding on Magnus cheek remembering how many times he had to stop Magnus from mumbeling when they were kids "the thing is that we both weren't changed much since we were kids" Alec started say but saw Magnus raised his eyebrow on that like 'you kidding me' "okay we did changed and grew up to strong mans but you know what i ment" Alec said little blushing because it was true Magnus did grow to an a hot sexy beautiful man he tried push that thought away as he continued "well we both also were missing each other like crazy am i right?!" Alec asked hoping he wasn't the only one from them to think all that "A... Alexander i.. it's exactly what I feel" Magnus said agree again on Alec's words as he feeling his heart betting fast "i did missed you too much, there was even time in my life that i even tried to forget about you it was a time when i lost my hopes to seeing you again, then i tried to start over with someone else" Magnus confessed as Alec then got his hand off from Magnus cheek he could litterly hear his own heart cracking inside of him 'so it means that his Magnus is no longer his anyone, is that means that he belong to someone else?!' Magnus didn't understand why Alec looking so sad and upset all of the sudden but then he realised that he haven't finished his little story "but" Magnus then said making Alec raise his head back with little hope shine in his eyes "but?" Alec asked full with hope "i couldn't be with her i tried to move on from you but be with that girl it just.. i just.. i couldn't it was just keeped remind me that I could never find another person like you Alexander no one can get to yours levels! No one is spacial like you are Alexander! No one!" Magnus said with bright smile see how Alec smile got back to his face as well "thank you Magnus" Alec said all sudden after looking at each others eyes for more few moments "for what?" Magnus asked surprised a little "for just being you and for being here with me" Alec said softly as he cupped Magnus to his chest and hugged him tightly "so i assume i should thank you as well for all that" Magnus tried to say as he was trying to breath from the tight grip of Alec's hugg but he didn't let go Alec's heart betting was the beautifullest and relaxing sound he ever heard except of course from Alec's voice at self "Alexander" Magnus whispered in Alec chest "yes Magnus?" Alec asked with same whisper "dont you think we should go and not stood like that at middle of nowhere and go to more privacy place?" Magnus asked still in whisper enjoying the moment "yeah we should better go now or people would start looking at us strangely" Alec answered but still doesn't let go as he wrapping his arms more tightly on Magnus. Magnus was confused by that move "Alexander i thought.. i thought that we.. that we are going" Magnus whispered with his eyes still close enjoying every moment "yeah just few more minutes" Alec said as he closing his eyes too enjoying the warm from Magnus body to his.

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