chapter 8- (Last chapter)

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"Alexander, i think.. i think that I'm.. that I'm in love with you" Magnus repeated Infront of the mirror in his bedroom "uhgg no no no i look like idiot uhgg come on why can't i just confessed like a normal guy?" Magnus shouted to himself as his was practice to confess his love for Alec a knock on his door had interrupted him, "Magnus dear" Magnus Mom knocked on his door room "yes Mom what do you want?" Magnus asked her pretty annoyed by her interruption.
It had passed few months already since the day Alec and him had found each others and he thought it is time already that he should confessed his love for Alec, it might be really obvious that he loved him more than a best friend but they never really said it with words to each other and he thought it is time, "well have you forgat that you had called Alec to come over dear? You said that there is something important that you wanted to tell him" she said with little smirk knowing very well what he had to talk with him about, "oh fuck fuck fuck I'm not ready yet, Mom dont get him in yet" Magnus said freaking out holding his head spinning at his room all nervous as he taking deep breath "okay Magnus you can do that" he mumbled to himself convincing himself that he can do that then he finally opened his door room and saw Alec standing there hot as always "fuck i can't do that" Magnus mumbled as he shouted the door on Alec confusing face "Magnus" Alec knocked on the door "what was that? Let me in" Alec shouted to him to open the door as Magnus sited on floor in his room not letting the door open "fuck what do i do now?" He mumbled to himself "Magnus" Alec called again "uhgg stop calling by my name" Magnus whispered crazily he thought maybe Alec would go home after he closed his door on his face but he guessed wrong Alec was more worried now why would Magnus do that? Why would he shut the door on him like that and won't let him in? The questions keept running in Alec's head as he knocked more gentle now "Magnus please open up" Alec begged quietly behind the door "tell me what's wrong" he said worryingly "Alexander there is nothing wrong" Magnus answered quietly "then why aren't you open up the door for me?" Alec asked more suspiciously then worried now "well.." Magnus tried to find an excuse but haven't found so he groaned as he got up to open the door "sorry Alexander come in" he said trying to avoid any eye contact with Alec's beautiful hazel eyes "Magnus what going on? Have i done something wrong? If i did just tell me that i will fix it" Alec said he didn't knew what is wrong with his best friend "Alexander there is no such thing at all universe that u done anything wrong" Magnus said to calm him "it not you Alexander it me" now Alec looked more surprised "what do you mean? What going on?" Alec asked he was crazily worried now "uhgg i don't know how to say it without looking wired" Magnus said nervously as he started pacing at circles "Magnus stop" Alec grabbed at Magnus arm to stop him making shivers all over him he looked up and did the worst mistake he could do he looked at Alec's eyes and got lost in them he couldn't control himself and suddenly after starting few moments more he grabbed Alec face and kissed him thous soft amazing lips that he desired all thous months since second he founded his Alexander, Alec at first was shocked he always was dreaming that he was the one who would do that step first he never thought that it would be Magnus, thous small sweet lips of his best friend kissing him he got zone out from how pleasurable the kiss was but was really disappointed when Magnus back out "OMG Alexander I'm so so sorry" he said as he thought maybe Alec haven't liked him that way too but it confused Alec for a moment "what are you talking about? Why are you sorry for?" He asked as he grabbed Magnus more tightly to him and smashed his lips on Magnus at first the kiss went slow and sweet but then it got little more passionately that they even haven't noticed what they doing they felt like they are on drug for each other and at some point they found themselves pushing eachother again the walls and on Magnus table the at the end Alec pushed Magnus on his bed and climbed on top of him "oh god Alexander ohh.." Magnus tried talking between the hot kisses and moans "we should stop to talk you ahmmm you know" Magnus said between the kisses "yes we.. ahmm.. definitely should" another hot kiss "talk" Alec answered as they couldn't stop kissing each other they were too much addicted to the other lips now as Alec started get down to Magnus jaw line then to his neck and suck there at Magnus pleasurable spot "oh god Alexander i love you" Magnus said breathless as his fingers at Alec's messy hair at thous words Alec just sucked harder how much he dreamed Magnus to tell him this and now it happens in reality "gosh Magnus i love you so much too" he said back in a whisper as he making a small bite on Magnus earlobe "fuck ohh it not how i have imagined at all at how i confessing you" Magnus said as he closing his eyes in the pleasure that running all over his body "me neither" Alec said in a whisper but stopped the kissing as he still on top of Magnus body now looking at each others eyes melting from the warm touch between them "you can't never leave me now even if you had to! Because now Magnus, You are MINE!" Alec said making them both smile crazily to each other and get back to kissing, "THE END"

Note- hello to whoever read this 😍😍 i just hope u all enjoyed reading this and also would like to know yours thoughts 😍😍 thank u all♥️♥️ oh and if anyone interesting at more Malec stories u r all can find me at instegram my user name is @_my_malec_ff_love

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