The Beginning Of It All (Chapter #1)

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"Hey, Emile! Long time no see! Actually,'s only been a day... Nevermind... Did you finish your homework? You know what, actually don't answer that, obviously you did. You did right......" I could hear my friend endlessly yapping away from the seat behind me.

"Why don't you let me focus in class so that I can help you later since you so clearly need it," I replied wondering whether or not I should apply duct tape to his face.

"I guess that makes sense. I'll take that as a promise. You now officially owe me free tutoring!" he replied without a second thought.

I sighed to myself wondering how and why I landed myself in this predicament. It always ended this way with me ending up having to do something for him. Not that I minded, of course, he was after all one of the very few friends that I have. Most of the people who claimed to be my friends were usually only there to gain something from me, true friendship was very rare and I've learned to cherish it as much as possible.

*Bell sound*

My friend nudged my shoulder as he said to me, "Dude, we all know you're a nerd but the lunch bell just rang. Get your head out of the textbook and let's head to the library like we always do."

"You're one to be talking, you geek," I said with the very rare smile cracking up on my face. "Give me a moment, You head-on, I'll be coming in a bit, save me a seat in our usual spot."

"Don't worry. I've got you covered, like I always do." He said as he headed off to the library.

I packed up my books and went over to the teacher to ask him a few questions that I had. "Mr. Williams? Is it possible if I can ask you a few questions now?"

"I'm sorry Emile, but I've got to go for lunch supervision now. But you can come over on Monday lunch. I'll be free for any questions then. You're already ahead of the rest of the students, so it shouldn't be a problem anyway. You should take a break from studying every once in a while too you know." The teacher said to me with a slightly concerned look on his face.

"Oh...That's fine then. The weekend is right around the corner anyway, I'll take my break then. I'll see you on Monday at lunch then! Thanks for your time!" I responded back as I started to head towards the library.

The place is not a thing any person can make fun of. No matter how many times I come here it still never ceases to fill me with awe. It's a massive and majestic place with many windows and books. It gives off a feeling of an otherworldly place. I absolutely love the place, it's one of the most peaceful and pleasant places in the school after all. I see my friend walking through the aisles and look at a few books here and there. He was never much of a reader, though he did read an occasional book or two every once in a while. He mostly tagged along with me because of the other things we usually do.

"Hey, Taylor! You save us a seat?" I said to him as I walked up to him.

"Of course I did. What did you think? In our usual spot as well, I know. I'm amazing, I don't need you to tell me that."

I rolled my eyes and went to sit on the seat he saved for me. "I suppose thanks are in order. So thank you!"

"There you go talking all nerdily. And you're welcome I think. I can't ever tell if you're sarcastic or not. You need to put more emotion into that handsome face of yours." He retorted with a smirk on his face.

"It's fine. I plan on keeping my emotions to myself. It makes me a lot more mysterious that way. Also, have you picked any books you like yet?"

"Nope, not yet. I did see a few interesting ones but none that really caught my attention. You've read nearly all of the books here, why don't you recommend me some?" He asked with an inquisitive look all over his face.

"Knowing you, you'd probably find a few books of your liking in that aisle over there." I suggested pointing to the aisle that was right beside the one I was sitting in front of.

"Hey dude, wait.. What is that?" He blurted out loudly as he walked up to one of the windows. There was a look of astonishment and confusion on his face. "Come over here quickly! Do you see that thing? It looks like it's a plane show? No, wait! What the hell?! That is sooo not a plane! Is that a space-ship? Cause it sure looks like one?" my friend shouted out loud.

I could hear the excitement and confusion in his voice. Nearly every person in the library that wasn't telling us to be quiet raced to the windows, most with their cell-phones. I won't deny I did so too but what can I say? Curiosity killed the cat after all. But wait is it just me or is that thing releasing an abnormal amount of smoke? No wait it is... and it's headed straight for us. 

"Everyone run! That thing is going to crash! Run!" I shouted frantically at the top of my voice.

The entire room was in panic. I could barely hear the school PA blaring "Seek shelter as soon as possible! This is not a drill! Seek shelter as soon as possible! " The abnormal looking plane was right above us so I did the only logical thing that came to my mind. I hid behind the sturdiest looking wall. I motioned for my friend to do so too, not that it did much good. My friend managed to duck under the bench right beside me in the nick of time and just a couple of seconds right after that.... Everything went BOOOM!! I could feel the vibrations of the crash all throughout my body and my bones. Visibility was terrible and I couldn't feel anything. I waited for what felt like years before I could finally start to feel my body. I tried moving my fingers and my feet and to my gratification, I was not trapped within anything nor was I badly injured. Now that I think about it, a normal person would be terrified and scared to the point of no return right now. But then again, I was never the same as others. Guess it's a side effect of seeing the evil of humanity early. I could start to feel my senses by now. There was smoke everywhere and blood? Wait BLOOD?!! I got up immediately and was greeted by a sight too gruesome for any person to see. There on the corner of the wall was Taylor, my dear friend, impaled with a purple looking iron rod in up to 7 different places. I was mortified. I could tell by just glancing around that I was the only one alive in this place if not the entire school right now. There was dust and debris everywhere, and the smoke was covering everything. I was now officially terrified, even more so when I saw a person shrouded in all black and holding a very scary looking sword covered in blood. He was also bleeding from a wound on his side due to a dagger that was stuck there. He was standing beside a fallen corpse that was covered in the same way as him but in purple. He saw me and slowly came up to me. I was too scared to even move a muscle. He came up all the way to right in front of me and handed a black looking scroll looking thing to me. I was so panic stricken I could do nothing but take it. Nothing made sense anymore. The man/woman/it placed a hand, at least what I'm guessing was a hand, on my shoulder.

"Take this and run. Run as far away as fast you can! Don't look back! Just run or they will kill you! Keep this safe with your life! The fate of everything depends on it! I'm sorry I'm doing this to you, but I have no other option. NOW RUN!" the man/woman/it told me in heavy breaths while also wincing in pain. I could feel the importance of what it said through it's words. Though I'll admit that there was no thinking going on anymore from my side.

I clearly didn't know what I was doing anymore. My brain had given up. I just ran since I had nothing better to do and felt like I needed to get away as far as possible from here. I just witnessed my closest friend impaled with like 7 purple iron rods. I saw a creature in all black beside the corpse of a creature in purple that was warning me that there is something that is out there to kill us and he was clearly injured by it too. IT DIDN'T MAKE SENSE! NOTHING THAT JUST HAPPENED DID! The thing that doesn't make even more sense is that why is there no one panicking or rushing to help! Why is the school that was just hit by a plane thing that was half its size just ignored! I realized why after I managed to run all the way to the next closest building. I... What? HOW? The school is completely fine! NO SMOKE! NO CRASHED RANDOM PLANE SPACESHIP! JU... JUST NOTHING?! I was frantic, terrified, bewildered, and there are just not enough words to describe what I was feeling right now. I looked at the scroll-like object that was still in my hand and knew that what I just went through and saw was real. But what is this? The adrenaline rush I just had was over. I could feel it. I was tired beyond imagination and my head was throbbing. I did the only sane thing left to do. I went home.

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