Wanted (Chapter #3)

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"Look we're here. I have different classes than you so we won't be seeing each other before lunch today. See you later, I gotta go, school starts in 5 minutes and it takes like 10 to get across to the classes." Taylor says as we reach the school gate.

"Alright. See you later." I replied heading off towards my own classes. I was genuinely surprised and even a bit confused. The school was the same, no damages anywhere whatsoever. I headed off to my classes for the day, not that I could pay much attention to any of them anyway. By lunch, I was worn out. I saw Taylor outside of the library and got a hold of him, "Hey, what do you want to do today?"

"I got a test to make up for in math. It's a pain but I can't stay today." He replied feeling slightly downhearted.

"It's okay, I'll be reading a book you know where. You can just find me there if you happen to finish early." I said. I needed to lose myself in a book as soon as possible. Reading a book is the only way I know how to calm myself down. It helps me lose myself in another world of my imagination. I walked down the countless aisles of the library trying to find a book that suits my taste and one I've not already read. I loved reading, to the extent that you would rarely find me without a book. As I kept walking, I realized that I was in a place that I hadn't seen before. These aisles and books were completely new, they didn't exist before yesterday. I started to snoop around to check what had changed from yesterday and I suddenly heard two people talking in a hushed voice behind the mysterious new aisle that I was in.

"They've nearly found us. We can't hide here anymore, we need to move. You know what happened yesterday. We were barely able to cover it up." I overheard a feminine voice say.

"They won't suspect a thing for now. You know how the elder sacrificed his life for us all." A deep voice replied back to her. Curious, I started to move carefully so that I could see who those two were.

"It was in vain though. It was a complete failure. We even lost the Shadow's Chronicle. We probably don't have much time left anyway." I saw a feminine figure dressed in our school uniform from the corner of my eye.

"Don't give up so easily, we already know for a fact that they don't have it. It's only a matter of time before we should be able to find it. If we get it back, we would have a chance at survival again." I heard that deep voice again, though I couldn't see who it was.

As clueless and puzzled as I was, I still knew that they obviously had something to do with yesterday. I calmly tried walking away before any of them could become aware of my existence. Sadly, I failed miserably and knocked a couple of books down.

"Stop right there!" I hear the girl from behind me call out.

"Uhhhhhh....... Yes?" I asked while turning around, knowing better than to run away from these kind of people. I saw a girl who seemed to be around my age. She looked me up and down and pulled out a black dagger from..... nothing?

"Who are you and how did you get here?" She asked me in a very intimidating manner while also pointing the sharp end of the dagger right towards me.

"You do realize you are holding a dagger right? It could kill someone....sooo...... Please do put it away before you hurt someone with it...." I replied not taking my eyes off her or her dagger. I had seen and gone through enough to not even be surprised by things like this anymore. Actually, I might have even been expecting it, not this soon though.

"Quit the act. It's obvious who you are. How many of you are there?" She said pressing the dagger to my throat.

"I absolutely have no idea what you are talking about! Please just let me go! I won't tell anyone that there is a psychotic girl in the corner of the library! I promise!" I replied, trying not to get myself killed. I don't think I was doing a very good job, it looked like she could see right through my soul. 

"Don't act like a human. They can't get through the barrier so just stop with your useless talk and explain where you're from." She asked with a look of determination that made it clear that she will kill me.

"I'm most certainly a normal human. I certainly cannot do whatever you are doing or just did.  Like pulling a dagger out of nothing. I'm just trying not to get myself killed. So normal right?" She loosened her hold on the dagger and I didn't waste that moment. I pushed her off me with a jerk and propelled myself into the bookshelf knocking it over to the side, knowing that whoever she was talking to was on the other side. During this short moment of chaos and confusion, I turned around and ran faster that I ever did before.

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