Uninvited Visitors (Chapter #5)

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"We're so screwed, Invictus. How did the chronicles land in this...kids...hand? Of all the people it could have gone to, why him? He's just a normal human as well."

"Calm down. The chronicles aren't something we control. They have a mind of their own and they must have found some worthy quality in him."

"You don't sound so sure yourself. You know that this was our last hope. Without it we are going to die out. Do you know the SEVERITY of that issue? It could literally be the end of the world."

"We are not sure whether he can or cannot survive it. Be hopeful, for there is always a way to succeed."

"Not if we destroy each and every one of them."

"I understand your concerns, I really do. But we cannot fight against fate. He's coming to. Help me out here."

I groan. I could feel my body paining all over.

"Hey child, can you hear me. Do you understand what I am saying? Nod if you do please." I hear a voice from beside me. I opened my eyes and it was a grave mistake. It was a sensation unlike any other. I could see everything, from what was behind me to what should be outside of my vision. I see a rather old looking person and the girl from the library earlier standing beside my bed.

"Who are you? Why are you here? This is my home right?" I continued to blabber realizing that it was not just my sight that was improved. I could hear sounds that should've been too quiet to hear rather clearly. I felt different and more... powerful. The scroll had done something to me, something very drastic. "What happened to me?" I say what I was thinking out loud.

"I'm sure you have many questions and they will be answered in time. But for now, please trust us and come along. Refusing to do so could result in the loss of your life." the old person threatened me calmly. Like it was normal to be threatening. 

"What is happening? Some person told me the same thing yesterday about how I am being chased by someone who wants to kill me. This is not even realistic enough for a dream anymore. A plane crash, a person shrouded in black, a weird levitating scroll book that somehow gave me enhanced senses and now more people wanting to kill me? How do I even know if I can trust you?" I respond back to him, my voice full of uncertainty and question.

"Believe me, if we wanted you dead, we could have done away with you in your sleep and we wouldn't have given a second thought to it. You're our last chance at survival much as I hate to admit it." the girl from the library earlier said to me while glaring at me. Her look of disapproval and disgust was clear on her face.

"Nocturne! Calm yourself! He's our guest and we need his help. This is no way to request someone." the old man said to the girl with a stern and commanding voice.

"What am I supposed to do now?" I ask them.

"First you follow us and we will explain the rest. It's no longer safe here. They have almost sniffed us out. We can't hide you for much longer. Please come along." the old man says while raising his hand to the wall. I could see, literally see the darkness gather around his hand. It then turned into a giant swirling portal thing.

"Do I have to go through that?" I ask, not sure if I should be surprised anymore.

"Yes you do. Don't worry, It's completely safe. It's a magic that that allows us to teleport to places we marked." The old man said while straining to maintain the portal.

Fearing for my life and having no other option that I knew of, I went through it.

The Darkness AwakeningOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora