School? Really? (Chapter #10)

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I rolled around in the bed having no desire whatsoever to get up. Yesterday was definitely one of the most horrible days of my life, having to go through the old man's 'teachings' and the relentless combat training from that girl who wanted to kill me. What was her name again? I believe I heard the old man call her Nocturne... I see the door to my room open with the corner of my eye and instantly start to pretend like I was sleeping.

"Who do you think you're fooling with your pathetic acting. Get up! You've got to get to school!" I hear her voice from the other side of the bed. 

"School?" I asked wondering whether that is even is necessary anymore. I look at her eyes with show no emotion in them and wonder what has she been through to make her like this....a self-obsessed egotistical maniac. I pull the blanket over me saying, "Is it even necessary for us to go there anymore?" 

"Of-course it is you imbecile! We're going to need to go to maintain cover! The Desirers will be searching for all possible suspects, meaning that if you don't go to school today after what happened on Friday, they'll definitely look into you and we can't have that happening. Now get off your bed before I make you come off."

"Fine! I get it! You don't need to be mean and grouchy like that all the time!" I said turning around just in time to see her starting to leave. She didn't even bother to listen to what I was saying. I got off the bed to get ready for school. It then hit me that I was in the school library and I could take my time, so I decided why not? I had an hour before school started anyway. As I was about to hit the bed again for a bit, I see her barge into the room once again and she had an annoyed look on her face as she looked at me up and down. 

"You better not be thinking anything stupid like there's a lot of time left to get to school and I'm like right here. I need to teach you the basics of hiding your identity, thanks to a certain someone. So you better get ready! I want to see you in the training room in fifteen minutes. If I don't find you there I won't hesitate to drag you all the way there and not in a pleasant manner." 

"Why are you even bothering with this? Couldn't you have just left it with the old man to deal with?"

"Old man? You mean Invictus? It's funny to hear someone other than me call him that. Oh and yes, it was him that told me to teach you otherwise I wouldn't even bother myself with the likes of you. I'll be waiting, hurry up, you'll find that I'm not patient the hard way around if you think otherwise."

"Enough with the threatening. I'll be there. You could try to be a little bit nicer and I'm sure you would have many guys falling for you. Now leave me alone so I can get ready, unless you want to see me change that is." I told her with a smirk on my face.

"In your dreams. Why would I even be slightly interested in looking at your flimsy weak body? I've got much better options to choose from. See you in the training room. That's the room two doors across, just telling you so you don't make any stupid excuses later." She smirked back as she left the room once again.

"HEY I A HAVE A VERY GOOD BODY FOR HUMAN STANDARDS YOU KNOW!" I called out to her. She just waved her head and didn't even bother looking back. Truly a model human being. 

Now that I think about it, she was very beautiful, at least according to modern standards. There would've been people who were heads over heels for her if they ever saw her in all her glory. Too bad her character sucks though, none of them would last a second against her. I got myself ready and headed over to the training room. The place was majestic, huge, wide, and looked like it was straight out of a science fiction novel. If this was one of their smaller hidden refuge centers, I was curious as to how unbelievable their bigger ones would be. I opened the door of the training room and walked in. I saw Nocturne sitting and reading a book by the corner of the room. As she saw me, she laid her book down beside her while getting up. She walked up to me with a face that betrayed no emotions. "You've made it on time? Looks like you're able to do something right."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2021 ⏰

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