Soooo What Now? (Chapter #2)

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I couldn't sleep at all. Not a single wink. I guess that much is expected after going through what I just did. I stared at the black scroll like thing which had now somehow changed into the shape of a book. I had placed in the corner of the room last night and it looked like something straight out of a fairy tale. I was told that this thing could apparently decide the fate of everything and everyone, and I clearly did not want this responsibility. Right now I couldn't even tell my feelings apart from one another. For all I knew I was still utterly confused and at loss as to what to do. It was a Friday so I knew that I should go to school but after what happened? There is no way I could. I had made up my mind and was absolutely sure I wasn't going to go until I heard a ringing sound. I was getting a call from a certain someone, and the caller ID was of my friend who I saw impaled with my very own eyes, it was Taylor. Nervous and terrified, I picked up the phone.

"Hey dude what you doing? You're not there at our meeting spot! We're gonna be late to school if this keeps up so hurry up! Can't wait for you forever you know..." Taylor's voice came clearly through the phone.

"Uhhh.... Who is this and what are you talking about?" I said just to make sure that I wasn't becoming delirious or hearing things.

"You forgot me already huh. I'm sad. I've been your friend since what? Kindergarten? And you just forget me over one day of not being together." my friend replied teasingly.

I was quite sure that this was him. His voice and method of talking were the exact same. So I decided that I could risk it.

"I didn't forget you even though I wish I did, so don't worry. Stay right where you are, I'll be right there in a minute.... And don't worry there's like an hour to school." I quickly told him, keeping my worry and concern out of my voice. Hanging up, I got dressed and ran towards the spot where we meet up every day so that we could head to school together. I saw him from a distance and it was him! I mean it was HIM! No wounds, no nothing. He looked completely fine and showed no signs of being wounded or hurt. He looked the exact same and as though nothing happened.

"Yo Taylor, do you remember what happened yesterday?" I asked him precariously as I came closer to him.

"So that's how it is. No good-morning or sorry for forgetting about me and then hanging up on me. Just go straight to drilling me as to what happened yesterday." He retorted with a little disappointment showing on his face.

"Good Morning and sorry, now tell me." I turn around and continue walking as I ask him.

"You tell me what happened yesterday. How would I know? I'm not some dude with mind-reading abilities you know. It's not like we met each other yesterday or something." He replies matching my pace.

"Whatever do you mean? Weren't we at school yesterday and like a disaster happened?" I say as I look at him in puzzlement.

"Dude, you hit your head or something? You're starting to freak me out. There was no school yesterday, remember? They said it was bad weather or something. That's also the reason you said we couldn't hang out. Remember now?" Taylor responded with the worry sounding clear from his voice.

"Oh...Never-mind. I wasn't thinking properly, don't mind me." I crease my brows wondering about what exactly happened yesterday.

"There is something up with you. Common spit it, you can't hide it from me. I know you too well. You're the type of dude who doesn't forget anything ever and thinks for like about everything you say or do. Are you ill or something?" he looks at me with concern.

I wave him off saying, "I'm fine, trust me. Let's just say I had a really bad dream."

"Sounds horrible. Glad I didn't have that dream. Going to school is already bad enough for me, having bad dreams on top of that would be a nightmare. Pun intended. Don't worry about it too much, it'll blow over. 

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