Best Friends Forever

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Gently cradling the sobbing child in her arms, Bai Qian carried him all the way to the Peach Tree Grove.  She looked back only once, just to ensure that Mo Yuan was not following them, but a clear sky in all directions was all she saw as quietly landed at the entrance before just as gently placing him onto his feet.

Ting Ting, had not dared to open his eyes as the warmth and almost loving embrace completely enveloped him.  It was the first time he had ever been held by a woman, so he was unsure what to make of the tenderness in her eyes or the way her hand very gently brushed away his tears with the sleeve of her gown which only increased in intensity at the unbelievable kindness she was showing him which only made him feel even more miserable.

"It's alright....." she softly coaxed him towards the small stone table by the lake while trying her best to keep her own tears at bay.  To have been whipped was just so tragic, that she couldn't help but feel overwhelmingly angry with Mo Yuan, but she also understood his stance, so she did not allow that man any room in her head while the boys needs were greater.

Sitting him down, she wove a spell, and with a wave of her hand, orange juice and cakes appeared which instantly had the tears stilling on his lashes at the sight of such fancy food.  

"Help yourself." she said smiling at the flushed cheeks and the way his body seemed to rise between doing just that and fleeing, as if it were some kind of sick joke she was pulling.  There was no way his Shifu would have treated him with such nice food after what he just did, he was positive.

But the moment she picked up a raspberry tart and handed it to him, then he not only reached out tentaively to take it, but the tears continued regardless of the forgiving smile she was giving him now.

"Ting Ting.  I know that what you did was only out of fear so I do not hold any grudges." she said softly as he took a tentative bite.

"I'm sorry Shimu.  I really didn't mean it." he replied as his eyes squinted a little at the sweetness, which Mo Yuan had never allowed him.  In fact, sweets were forbidden, even to him, so he took this as one more kindness this gracious lady was showing him.

"I know you are, but I do want to talk to you." she said offering him another tart which he took gratefully but saying nothing , because he really didn't know what to say that wouldn't involve more crying, and at that moment he was trying his best to stop the tears, seeing as they seemed to upset her more than what he did to her.

"I know you think that your Shifu does not need a wife, and that you feel I might take him away from you.  You think that his affection for you will become mine and you will be left out." she stated in simple terms that he would understand.  "But I want you to know, that should I become a part of the Kunlun Mountain family, then that is exactly what I will become." she tried to explain as Ting Ting continued to eat and drink while listening carefully.

"You can see me as an addition to your ranks.  Of course mine will be higher than your brothers, but I will just be one of the family and you my dear......." she smiled brightly at the eyes that were almost glistening in adoration for her.......  "Will always remain my favourite Disciple and do you know why?" she asked which quickly had that little head swaying from side to side in anticipation.

"Because you are not stuffy." she replied straight faced and making those eyes almost pop from their sockets.

"Stuffy?" he asked not understanding.  Actually he did understand but he just couldn't believe she would speak so outrageously and suddenly his small body began to inch a little closer towards her.

"You do and say whatever you please and you certainly don't care for the stuffy rules that your seniors all abide by.  Therefore, you are free spirited but you do have respect when it is appropriate so my dear, I like you.  I like you a lot." She replied giggling at the way his face first screwed up in astonishment, then confusion before settling on amusement.   He was so close to laughing that she couldn't help but drag him back into her arms to hug him tightly.

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