Trauma: I NEED U

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"It's so good to have you back with us, Suga hyung," Hoseok sipped at his Sprite.

"Hope hyung, it's me, Woozi," the voice reminded him.

"Very funny, Lil Meow Meow but I won't fall for it," the dance legend shook his head and returned his attention to the window.

A few minutes later, sasaengs had appeared and were breathing on the BTS members' necks.

"They're so creepy," the BTS member shivered.

"Don't worry, I've got this," Seventeen's vocal leader bravely announced, despite having no friends who were girls.

"Agust D looks fluffier, don't you think?" the girls whispered when his head popped up.

"I could stab you all with an icicle and would never be caught," Jihoon smirk-smiled at them.

"Agust D is so scary," they mumbled before returning to their booked seats.

"Usually, you show them the middle finger but I'll admit that was more effective," Hoseok turned to his hyung. "Wait, you're Woozi. How are you still here?"

"I asked myself that a lot this past hour."

"How about we pay for the tickets?" Sejin suggested.

"Thank you, the CEO can be a real Scrooge," Young Hwan sighed internally.

"So long as we get the two switched before the tour, I'll do anything."

"I'm sorry, sir," the air stewardess looked up from her computer screen. "We simply cannot ignore the blizzard warning from the weather station."

"Do you have any idea of when it will pass?" the manager looked up from his phone.

"No," she shook her head. "Sometimes, it's a few hours; sometimes, a few days. What I can do is take down your details and move you up the waiting list."

"Thank you," he bowed and led his motley crew of artists to their hotel.

"When I said, I wanted a break, I meant after the tour," Yoongi sighed. "Army's will be so disappointed."

"And we have fan meetings in Japan and China to attend," Joshua worried about how that would pan out.

"Jungkook will have to take up Yoongi's rapping parts," Namjoon leaned back in his chair. "Jihoon will do Jungkook's vocals."

"It's still suicide!" Seokjin pointed out. "Woozi will have to learn our choreography in a few days, which will affect our harmony."

"Relax, I'm not Joshua," the Seventeen member waved away their concern. "I could have been on the performance team if I didn't have to teach the vocal team choreo."

"I'm sure he's better at dancing than you two," Jimin looked at his eomma and appa.

"Take that back, you brat!" they chased him around the room.

"I'll sing at the fan meetings," Yoongi volunteered.

"Are you sure?" Junhui asked.

"I'm one of the best vocals in the rap line and I can memorise lyrics pretty quickly," he shrugged.

"Plus, it's less lines," Soonyoung handed him a book with lyrics for every song Seventeen had ever produced.

"The only problem is choreo," Wonwoo pointed out.

"If I can do Blood, Sweat and Tears, I can do anything," the BTS member nodded.

"Through Christ who strengthens me!" the members groaned at Joshua promoting the Gospel during an intense moment.

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