Chapter 8

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No no no no no.
The room started spinning and I fell to my knees. Again? Why? Then I realize.
This is my punishment, Snow already knows I'm broken, how can a broken toy survive one last play time? My mother cries and Prim comes and kneels next to me. She gives me a hug.
This is what I live for, for my sister. Her hug becomes my lifeline and I hug her for what seems like forever.

"Katniss?..." His voice is weak, but sounds as if he might cry.
Gale? Cry? That wouldn't be possible.
He walks over to me and gives me his hand. I take it and he lifts me up.
He has his dark blue shirt back on, hiding his bruises. He leads me to the kitchen and I look down. We touch foreheads and it seems to last forever.
Like Prim's hug, he becomes my lifeline.
Peeta, I need to talk to him. I break away from Gale, tears welling up in my eyes. A tear escapes and Gale brushes it away with his thumb.
"I have to check on Peeta..." I whisper softly. Gale stiffens and nods.
Without a jacket, I open the front door and run across the street.

• • •

I knock on Peeta's door. I try to blink away the tears so they don't freeze from the cold. A woman with gray streaked dark blonde hair and bright blue eyes opens the door.
"Oh, hello Katniss," She puts her broom against the wall.
"I didn't know you were coming over, please, come in." She opens the door for me to enter. I stand there in the cold, not wanting to move. I clear my throat.
"Mrs. Mellark, I'm actually here for Peeta,"
I blink away more tears.
"Is he home?"
Mrs. Mellark shakes her head.
"No, but you can try down at the bakery. I honestly don't know what you see in that boy. Out of all of District Twelve you chose that slob..." she closed the door.
"Nice to see you too." I mumble.
I head down to the bakery.

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