Chapter 10

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That night it was hard to sleep. Peeta had gone back to the bakery, Gale had disappeared somewhere in the woods. I think back to the day of the reaping, and when the hob had caught on fire the first time.
We could do it you know, he had said, the second time he rejected that idea, but now he might be willing. For my sake. I get up out of bed and put my father's leather jacket on. I open the door from my room quietly, and tip toe down stairs. I open the front door and my bare feet meet the snow. A shiver goes down my spine and I start walking fairly fast to warm up.
I get to Gale's house and I knock on his bedroom window. Through the dark I see his tall silhouette sit up in bed, making his way towards the door. He finds me on the side of the house waiting for him.
"Katniss," he hugs me, giving me his warmth.
"You want to leave don't you?"
I nod, which is hard when he's giving me a bear hug. We part and there's a bit of silence.
"Katniss..." he looks into my eyes.
"When do you want to leave?"
"Now. Right now."
"Katniss, that's impossible. Winter just started, we won't have any food or even a place to live. We'll have to wait until spring." He takes my hand and squeezes it. I wish we could leave in the spring, but I can't go back to the arena. I'll die, and then who knows what will happen to Prim, Mom, Gale.... and Peeta.
"No, Gale. We have to leave tonight, I can't go back into the games, I just can't. I don't care if I die out there, but I can't help but think Snow will come after you and my family. I can't let that happen, Gale. You of all people should understand that." I surprised myself by being calm and cool headed. Maybe it was because I was tired, or maybe because I truly did know the fate of my loved ones. Either way Gale seemed to believe me.
"All right, we'll leave tonight. I'll meet you at the fence."
"See you there at midnight?"
Gale nodded. He went back to the front of the house, leaving me alone.
See you at midnight.

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