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In her rush to get out the door, Ally tripped and fell. Her textbooks flew everywhere, loose papers falling into puddles in the streets. "No no no no nono NO!" Ally groaned. She hit the ground with her fist and pushed herself back up. She picked up all the books and the salvageable papers off of the ground.
"Hey, you okay?" asked a voice from behind her. She turned around to see a petite girl with black hair pulled into pigtails. She wore pink shorts and a black cardigan over a white shirt. Additionally, she carried a small pink bag.
"Yeah, I'm fine, thank you," Ally replied, brushing her sky blue hair out of her face. "Um, you wouldn't happen to know the way to the highschool here, would you?"
"Of course! I'll walk with you there. First day?"
"Need any help with those books? Where's your backpack?"
"I..." Ally blushed. "It disappeared." It was like magic; the backpack had been there in her room just yesterday, but she couldn't find it anywhere when she was searching for it that morning.
"That's unfortunate," the girl replied. "Would you like me to carry some of those, then?"
Ally shook her head. "No, I can handle these. Let's get going."
"Alright." She paused for a moment. "What's your name?"
Ally bit her lip. "Ally."
The girl smiled. "That's a beautiful name. Mine's Marinette."
"That's a really pretty name, too. Did you know that it means 'of the sea'?" Ally blushed again. "Sorry, I'm a bit of a name nerd."
"No, that's totally cool! I didn't know that. I'd never really thought about what it could mean before."
They found themselves standing in front of the highschool steps, both surprised that they'd gotten there so quickly.
"Which class are you in?" Marinette inquired.
"I have homeroom with Ms.... Mendel... Mendeli... I can't pronounce it."
"Ms. Mendeleiev?"
"Yeah, that one."
"Oh, darn. Guess we aren't in the same class, then," Marinette said.
"That's okay," Ally said. "I need to be more social anyways."
"Well... I'll see you later, hopefully! That is, if you haven't found much cooler friends than me." Marinette smiled. "Bye!"
Ally made her way up the stone stairs, then the metal green ones after that, heading straight for the classrooms. Her classroom was empty when she walked in, so she made her way all the way to the back. She took her small black sketchbook out of the pile of papers and notebooks in front of her. Soon, the first bell rang, and other students slowly began to trickle into the classroom.
Everyone was sitting down when Ms. Mendeleiev came in and began to take roll. Ally put her sketchbook away.
The seat next to Ally was empty. She tried not to feel disappointed, especially since she hadn't made an effort herself to try and approach another person.
However, a few minutes later, a boy with flaming red hair crashed into the room. Ally could tell he was breathing hard, though he wasn't panting and she certainly couldn't hear him. Ms. Mendeleiev glanced up at him, marked something on the roll sheet, and continued the lecture she had begun immediately after taking roll. He walked silently all the way to the back, taking the seat next to her. "What's she talking about?" he whispered to her.
"The classroom rules, I think?" Ally couldn't seem to focus on translating her teacher's words into English. She'd been fantasizing again. Darn her active imagination! She hoped she got used to speaking and hearing French soon.
"Okay," he replied. He got out a medium-sized sketchbook and started drawing. He already had some comic panels laid out, and he sketched out the scenes in each of them. She was tempted to watch all block, but she knew she needed to concentrate.
Screw concentration, her mind said. We're watching ALL block!!!
So she did.

When the block was over, she pulled all of her stuff back into her pile. She lifted the pile and got up, but before she could go, she felt a tap on her shoulder.
"Were you, uh," the boy with red hair mumbled, "Were you seriously watching all block?" She nodded. "Why?"
"I don't know, I guess I didn't really feel like paying attention to the teacher," she replied. "I really like your style, though. Your anatomy is really good. I wish I could draw like that."
"Do you draw?"
"Yeah, a bit. I'm not very good at it, though."
"Can I see?"
"Uh, sure," she replied. "My sketchbook's on top of the pile."
He grabbed it from the top. He flipped through the pages, scanning each drawing very carefully. "What are you talking about? You're really good."
"No, I'm really not that great, but thanks." She hesitated. "Uh, what's your name?"
"Nathanael," he replied. "You?"
He put the sketchbook back on top of her book pile. "It was nice meeting you. I'll see you later?"
She nodded, smiling. He walked off, and she paused for a bit as she watched him. A few seconds later, she headed down the steps as well.

"Hey new girl!" She heard from behind her. The bell had just rang and Ally had just gotten to the door of her classroom. She turned around to see a yellow jacketed blonde staring straight into her soul, arms crossed.
"Hi," Ally said. "What's your name?"
"I am none other than Chloe Bourgeois, as well as the most amazing superhero of all of Paris, Queen Bee!"
Ally snorted. "I find that hard to believe."
Chloe actually growled. Ally could not believe this girl at all. Oh boy, she thought. This sounds like it's going to be a fun conversation. "If you know what's good for you, you'll take that back right this instant!"
Ally rolled her eyes and internally groaned. "What do you want?"
"I saw you hanging out with loser tomato-head and I was going to offer you my advice and company, but now I'm not so sure that I want to!"
Good, I'm not so sure I wanted to accept that offer! "I'm so sorry," Ally said sarcastically. "Did I offend you?"
"Yes, you did! Just this once, since you're a new girl and obviously don't know the rules, I'll let this slide. Now, I would advise that you take my offer, and take it quick. This is a chance that most people don't get."
"I, uh, I'll think about it," Ally replied. "Thanks."
Chloe glared daggers at her. She reached out and swiped the sketchbook from Ally's pile. "Ugh, look!" She dangled it open for all to see. "We have another Ladybug-obsessed dork!" She wrinkled her nose. "Now I see why you're hanging out with that redheaded lamo. Well, whatever. It doesn't matter. I hope you think hard about my offer, and I hope you make the right choice." She dropped the sketchbook on the ground and strutted away.
Ally groaned out loud this time. She bent down to retrieve the sketchbook, but she ended up falling over and scattering everything again. "Augh! Dangit!"
"Hey, do you need some help?" She looked up to see a blond boy with sparkling green eyes standing over her, hand extended and fingers stretched out. She reached up and took his hand, and he helped pull her up. Then they both bent down and started picking everything up for the second time that day. They both got back up and he placed her things in a neat pile into her hands. "Sorry about Chloe," the boy apologized. "She's a bit rude sometimes."
"Why are you apologizing for her? She's not your responsibility. Besides, it doesn't really matter." Ally shrugged. "She's delusional, anyway, so I'm not going to take her seriously."
"What do you mean, she's delusional?"
"She said she was a superhero. Queen Bee, I think. That's not right, right?"
"No, she is Queen Bee," the boy replied. "However, she technically isn't anymore. People know her identity, so that makes it dangerous for her to be a superhero. Hey, what's your name?"
"I'm Adrien."
"Nice to meet you, Adrien."
"It's a pleasure to meet you, too. Hey, you wanna hang out with my friends and me during lunch?" He smiled at her. It was beautiful. "I'm sure they'd all like to meet the new girl."
"Um," Ally hesitated. "Sure, I guess." She blushed and tucked a strand of her sky blue hair out of her face.
"Cool! Follow me, I'll show you where we hang out."

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