Tour de Paris - Ally

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"MARINEEEEETTE!" Ally screamed. Marinette stopped and turned around, her blue eyes widening as she saw Ally hurtling towards her, arms waving in the air. "MAAAAARIIIIIIINEEEEEEEEEEEEETTE!"

"What are you so excited about, Ally?" Marinette questioned as soon as Ally reached her. Ally held up a finger, breathing hard. 

She took a last deep breath and launched into a recap of the previous night. 

"-and then he invited me on a tour of Paris with him!" Ally folded her arms, expectantly awaiting a reply.

"Wow, that's so cool, Ally," Marinette said happily. "I'm so excited for you!" Ally made a squeaky noise, barely able to contain her excitement. She grinned. 

Alya caught up to both of them. "What are you two talking about?"

"I'm going on a tour of Paris tonight with Chat Noir," Ally said in a singsong voice. "And I'm probably gonna meet Ladybug."

"WAIT, WHAT?!" Marinette screamed. "You didn't mention that before!"

"Oh," Ally said. "Yeah, well, I think it was more implied. Actually, I might have just been dreaming about that. So I guess probably not. But also probably."

Alya and Marinette burst into laughter, and Ally quickly joined after a second. Then the bell rang, and they bid each other goodbye and walked off to their classes.

Nathanael wasn't late to class this time, and was already in his seat, sketching away. She set down her new backpack on the ground next to her chair and sat down. After a moment, he looked up from his drawing. 

"Oh, hey Ally," he said. 

"Hey, Nathanael. Watcha drawing?" She peered over at his drawing. He quickly covered it. "Oh, sorry."

"It's fine. I'll show you later, I'm just not finished right now." He hesitated for a moment. "Do... do you have any plans tonight? I mean, it's totally cool if you do, I just wanted to know if you wanted to, you know, hang out or anything." He flushed, and his eyes darted around. "You don't have to hang out with me if you don't want to," he hurriedly added. Ally bit her lip. 

"Okay, so here's the thing," she said. He cringed at the words. 

"You know what, it was a ridiculous idea, I mean, we just met yesterday, and-"

"Calm down, Nathanael," Ally interrupted.  "I would love to hang out with you. Just not tonight. I'm busy tonight, but we can schedule another time. Don't freak out."

"Oh," he said. He chuckled. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to freak out. Later is totally fine." He quickly looked away again and began sketching again after a minute of hesitation. Ally looked at the whiteboard at the front of the room, resting her chin on one of her hands.

When class ended, Nathanael got up quickly, avoiding her eyes, and walked out of the room silently. 

And he did the same for the next class.

And the next one.

And the next one.

And the one after that.

He ignored her for the rest of the day. However, when the final block came and class was just about to end, she wrote her phone number on a slip of paper with a note that said, "Talk to me please!!!", and slid it to him. He glanced at it, picked it up, folded it, and placed it into his pocket. This time when he got up, he gave her a small smile. Then he left. 

Later, at home, Ally was sketching Chat Noir when her phone buzzed. She picked it up and saw that Nathanael had texted her. 

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