chapter 4

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David POV
I woke to my head on simon lap and his hands in my hair, I blushed when simon started to wake up ,he looked down at me blushing when he realize I was awake "hey beautiful" I said teasingly his blush grew darker I sat up off his lap and rubbed my eye from the corner I saw him staring at me
Simon POV
As my blush got darker from David comment he sat up off my lap and rubbed his eyes cutely (what is he doing to me) I realized he saw me staring at him so I quickly looked away then he said "what,like what you see" I looked at his body(Y.E.S, wait no I don't what is going on with me) I looked away and mumbled "maybe" under my breathe.

A/n: hey...I know I haven't been posting anything but I been busy with things for awhile so bare with me on this story, I'll try to post every week if I can so see ya! (P.s. love you guys!!!)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2020 ⏰

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