Chapter 11

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Yuka layed in her bed sadly. 'I wanna see onii-chan..' she thought. She smiled a bit then got up and went to the window and opened it. 'Woah..this is high..' She thought. She jumped down into the dumpster. "Ewwy!" she frowned getting out and running to her house. She ran inside and called for Satoshi. She ran to their room but stopped as she heard voices. "Naomi..Maybe Yuka is dead..I just.." She heard her brother. "Satoshi..Shh..I'm sure that's not true.." her voice was next. Yuka frowned 'Oh..Someone is already here..' she thought. She was about to leave before hearing her brother. "Yuka...Please come home" He begged. She smiled and ran into the room and hugged him "Onii-chan!" She smiled. Satoshi's eyes were wide and he hugged back. "Yuka..Yuka!" He held her tightly. Naomi smiled, "It's so great to see you home." She pulled away from the hug. "Onii-chan...Yuka misses you.." She told him. "Then please...stay here.." he smiled. "Okay" Yuka smiled.

~Next morning~ Yuka woke up in her old bed and smiled then ran out to Satoshi's room. "Hey Yuka, me and Naomi are going for a drive, wanna come?" He asked. "Sure!" She smiled. "Are you sure you can drive Satoshi?" Naomi teased once they were ni the car. He smiled, "Of course." Yuka got buckled in and they drove down the road. They went out to the country and looked at everything. "Onii-chan! Look!" Yuka smiled. She was pointing to the small lake. "Yeah, I see it" Satoshi smiled. Naomi was looking out her window and sighed happily. 'I wonder what they will do when they notice Yuka missing...' She thought. "Yuka I can't look right now" She heard Satoshi sigh. "Why not? But look! I saw a fish jump! Can we go to the beach?" She asked. "Yuka, I am trying to drive.." He said. Naomi looked back at Yuka who frowned sadly. "Hey, we can probably go later" She smiled.

"Really?!" Yuka grinned big. She gasped as she saw kids running around and swimming, feeling jealous that she couldn't. "Hey look!" She turned Satoshi's head away from the road. "Yuka! I can't see the-" he was cut off as Naomi screamed. "Satoshi look out!" She squealed. As soon as he turned his head back to the road, a car crashed into them. Their car spun and went into a ditch. 'Everything is so blurry..' Yuka thought. She tried getting up but the door to the car was crushed into her leg. She cried and screamed. She looked at Satoshi who layed, covered in blood and then at Naomi who was also covered in blood. "Onii..chan! Wake up! Please!" she whimpered. She cried harder then soon got unbuckled. She crawled to the front of the car best she could. "Wake up!" She sobbed wiggling Satoshi. She screamed loudly and then turned to Naomi. "Naomi-san!" She whimpered and shook her. Naomi had glass all over her and her head hung. "No!" Yuka sniffled. After about twenty minutes of sitting in blood and in the crushed car, Yuka heard sirens. The last thing she remembered was that, then total blackness.

Yuka blinked her eyes open and squinted as she saw the white room. 'Where am I?' She thought and looked around. It was obvious she was in the hospital. "Hello?" She called. A nurse came in soon after and smiled. "I see you are awake" the nurse sat beside the bed and took her temperture. "You seem A-OK" She grinned softly. "Where is Onii-chan? And Naomi-san?" Yuka asked. The nurse looked at her with sad eyes. "Listen sweetie..." she started. "Where are they?" Her voice cracked. "Right now they are in the emergency room...We can't tell if they will live or not.." The nurse frowned. Yuka's eyes widened 'This is all my fault..'

Corpse Party: Come Home (Sequel to Yuka's Mistake) (OLD)Where stories live. Discover now