A Sad Romance

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"Come in," I said.
What could I do?
I'd lived so long in hope for you.

You were to me my sad romance,
without a hope,
without a chance.
I never spoke the words I felt,
You'd heard them all before.
You've heard them in the moonlit night
and 'neath the noontime sky.
You've heard them all a hundred times
from better men than I.

I saw the fire in your eyes.
I saw the fear as well;
The seeds of love I could not sow,
the passion I can't reap,
the promises that I would make,
but could not ever keep.

I know I should not let you in,
my heart is barely healed.
"What good can come of this?" I ask.
No answer is revealed.

So, will I live my sad romance
and sooth my soul beneath your glance,
while logic tries to break my stance,
to tell me I don't stand a chance,
with you and our sad romance?

But now the door is open wide,
to let you once more in
and I again will play that game
that I can never win

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