Strings of Fate

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Sandra watched as rain battered down on the glass windows of her house. The first storm of this magnitude that she'd seen in years.

In her arms, she held a smiling baby, there was a purity to the gaze, love, given and received...she knew at that moment without a word said, that she loved her daughter.

She also knew what would happen to her if she'd dared to keep her.

"The choice is yours," A cold, low voice whispered in her ear.

"Is it?" She questioned, not catching the drop in her own voice. She could feel a cold breeze blowing behind her despite the closed windows, sneaking up her back and caressing her neck like a gentle hand waiting to choke the life out of her.

"The choice is yours, as are the consequences."

"Remind me, again, of the consequences."
"You know them as well as I do, if not better. Make your choice, Cassandra Deorum, and let us go our separate ways."

"And what if I cannot decide?"
"That baby in your hand is a ticking time bomb, just waiting to explode. Do you want to bear witness to it, when it happens? For it will undoubtedly happen."

Sandra stayed silent.

"The fates are never wrong," The voice went on, "And you'd be a fool to defy them."

"What can I say? Love can make the best of us into fools," Sandra spoke, her voice echoing with the hollow sound of resignation.

"But the best of the best still come out on top. Farewell, my child. May your blades be ever sharp and your arrows find their way, if it is fated we will meet again."

Sandra, slowly, reluctantly, handed her only child, her beautiful Kallista, to the deity standing before her.

Her daughter may have been hers for a mere year, but she could not fathom being without her.

Destiny is an unescapable thing, and she was trapped in its web.

She could only hope that Kallista could one day burn through the strings and find her own path.

"The heiress has arrived."

~Where may your journey take you, dear reader?~

Kallista stood at the top of a building, looking down at the battle beneath.

Raindrops dripped off her eyelids and armour, falling to her feet, much like her enemies would when she would set foot on that battleground.

"The rules of war are woven in the womb," Hera had always said."The victors shall burn bright, while the losers must turn to ash."

Olympian troops and her generals stood back, patiently awaiting their leader's orders.

Every second among these years had led up to this moment. Kallista tried to reassure herself. She would be fine.

She drew her blade, and plunged down like a star descending from the heavens.
Her army following her lead.

She was Kallista Filia Deorum, the Daughter of Olympus.
May the fates have mercy on her enemies, because she would not.

~End of Teaser~

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