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Hey hey hey!

First of all thank you for deciding to read this book. And thank you for not skipping this part of you're reading this right now <3

I can proudly say I've gone out of my way to make this (both the book and the intro) as less clique as possible, but I'll leave the judgment up to you.

This book is basically a rewrite of Percy Jackson and the Olymians with my OCs instead of Percy and Annabeth as the main characters.

So to point out to obvious for some of you- these characters will not exist in this universe.

Hear me out before you click off-

I feel like Percy, Annabeth and some others have gotten more than enough screen time in both the official books and other fan fictions, so I will not be featuring them in this book. Another reason is that it will leave little to nothing for my own protagonists to do.

Another disclaimer is if you've come here thinking that this is an X Reader book, I'm really sorry to disappoint.

I personally feel like a majority of the these fanfictions just have to rush into romantic aspects which leaves out the plot and proper character development completely.

I want to break that chain and represent who my characters are as people before anything else.
Of course I don't plan to completely neglect it, but the book will not be centered entirely around getting two characters to smooch 💀

I really really don't like rushing.
So I'm sorry if updates take too long, I'm in a significantly high grade and I gotta study for exams and shit :')
(In other words I kind of procastinate a lot)

I hope you've decided to give my book a try.
If you have, then again, thank you. It really means the world to me.

I hope you enjoy my writing!

Ps, A HUGE thank you to The_Ghost_Queen06 for helping me with my ideas ily mf <3

Copyright Disclaimer: This book is my original work and is NOT allowed to be copied by anyone or any website without my permission. The entire plot you're about to read belongs to me.

The OG characters from the PJO series all belong to Rick Riordan. Some of the phrases are quoted from Genshin Impact and Honkai Impact by Hoyoverse. 
This has been done purely as an artistic liberty to play around with words and try giving them new contexts, it is not meant to insult or steal from the company.

My work falls under the fair use category of copyright.

I don't mind anyone adding my charecters into their books as long as you ask me first and give me credit. <3

Heiress || A PJO Verse Rewrite ||Where stories live. Discover now