[ONE] Fleeting Shadow

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"We never really looked ahead."


Fourteen years later...

The air hung heavy with an eerie aura, held by the faint hum of flickering lights in the room.

The figure cloaked in shadows leaned against the wall, her eyes glinting with an unsettling intensity.

Silus squinted his eyes to see her better, dreading what was to come next.
The Shadow had disappeared.

_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐

Kallista Deorum wanted to go home.

Travelling with no company except Zaya was not only tiring but also indescribably boring.
That plus the fact that being subjected to constant lectures was way off the mark for Kallista's idea of fun.

As much as she absolutely adored her sister...travelling with a walking encyclopaedia for so long was starting to take a toll on Kallista's remaining sanity - yet she couldn't find it in her heart to tell Zaya to shut up.

Leaning against the dimly lit room's corner, she sighed, unintentionally directing a glare at the suspect in the chair. The poor guy seemed terrified—...Sucks to be him.

Surveying the room, she noticed vile black monster dust seeping through the glass windows.
"Suppose Silus has backup ready." She mused.

How many battles had they faced this month, anyway? Kallista couldn't shake the feeling that she and her sister were stuck in a monotonous loop.

Ever since Zeus' damn bolt went missing, the past months had unfolded as a relentless nightmare. Endless arguments echoed in the throne room, quests ended in failure, and she dreaded the gruesome interrogations she had to conduct.

She sighed as Silus' monster like bodyguards manifested around her, marching through the black dust.

"Come on, gods above, let's wrap up this bolt problem quick and easy, okay?"

_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐

Resting her cheek on her palm at the table, Zaya maintained a blank expression. "My sister's abilities enable her to confront multiple enemies simultaneously," she stated in a monotonous tone, as if rehearsed countless times.

In the large room, a snarling wolf-like creature lunged at the cloaked figure. Swiftly appearing on the opposite side, the girl sidestepped, twirled her weapon, and slammed the creature into a now broken table.

Dodging the second creature, she collided with its back, the blade at the edge of her polearm slicing through the air. With a kick, she sent it aside and swung to land a punch on the next one's jaw.
The sound of a sharp crack filled the room.

Zaya nonchalantly poured herself a cup of tea, the clinking of porcelain against the backdrop of chaos. "We've been chasing your leads for weeks... I hope you realize my patience has limits."

Silus, now assuming an uncomfortably human form, held his breath, beads of sweat forming on his forehead. "If you think I shall answer to an Olympian-"

Zaya suddenly scowled at the drink she was holding, "Dude, the hell kind of tea have you been drinking?"

She shook her head, "Whatever...I've gotta say - Adding your pathetic bodyguards into the mix wasn't the smartest choice," Zaya tossed the teacup aside, the sound of shattering china punctuating her statement. "You've just made things more complicated for all of us. Nobody likes working overtime, you know?"

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