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Freak. Different. Scary. I've heard it my entire life. People go out of their way to avoid me. Ever since I showed the first sign of magic, my parents kept me shut up in my room. I can't explain how it happens. I only know that it is forbidden. 


Hoot! Hoot! I wake up to the noise of birds. I stare outside, and then at my clock. Its Y/B/D. My birthday. I scoff. It's not special. No one cares about me, much less what day my birthday is. I heard a tapping at my window. I moved my window blinds slightly. It was an owl, perched on my windowsill with a piece of paper stuck in its beak. I narrowed my eyes, not sure of what to do. My parents told me to stay away from anything out of the ordinary. But how can I do that when I'm not ordinary? I opened my window and the tiny owl hopped inside, dropped the letter, and flew off. I stared at it flying towards the horizon. The envelope said, "Mrs. Y/L/N Y/R Y/AD" I flipped it over and saw a red wax stamp with an engraved H. A lion, snake, badger, and eagle circled the H. Beautiful. Beautiful things like that should remain intact. I carefully opened the envelope and unfolded the letter. 

"Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Dear Y/N Y/L/N,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins on 1st September. We await your owl by no later than 31 August. Yours sincerely, Minerva McGonagallDeputy Headmistress"

I kept staring at the letter, and it felt as if hours have passed by. Suddenly, there was a faint knock on the door. It grew louder and louder. I closed the door. I knew what to do when there's a visitor. Stay in your room, close the door, and don't make any noise, I repeated my mother's words back to myself in my mind. 

"Y/N! Come downstairs. Someone... wants to meet you," called my mom. I opened the door slightly. Did I hear her correctly? But who would want to meet me? Who would want to visit a freak? 

I trudged downstairs. This probably won't end well. A woman with a tight bun and rectangle glasses on the tip of her nose stood in our doorframe. My mother invited her inside.

"Thank you, Mrs. Y/L/N," she said to my mother. She looked at me. "I would like to speak to you and your family, Y/N." 

I nodded. "Okay," I mumbled. 

"I am Professor McGonagall. You have been accepted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I am a teacher at Hogwarts. I believe you have received your letter. Although, it is customary for a teacher from the school to come to a muggle-born family's house whenever a child has been accepted. Y/N, you are a witch," said Professor McGonagall. 

I stared at her. 
"A... a witch?" I thought of all the movies I've seen. The witches were bad. Evil. No. I can't be a witch. 

"Yes. I know that you muggle-borns have been told that witches are evil, but that is not true. Most witches and wizards are very nice and good people. Have you ever done anything you couldn't explain?" asked the teacher. 

I thought about my childhood. Once, my mother was cooking and I accidentally touched the hot stove. There was no burn. There wasn't even a mark. I didn't realize what it meant. There were many experiences. When I was 7, I was so mad that a boy who called me names, that their lunch tray exploded. The teachers just thought it was the boy's fault, and that he was holding the lunch tray. There were many explanations, but I knew it was me. The freak. 

"Yes," I said. "I guess I am a witch."

"Just wait one second!" My dad shouted. "How do we know that you're just a liar? You have no proof!" 

I expected Professor McGonagall to yell at him, but she simply smiled. She produced a thin, dark stick and pointed it at our table. It burst into flames. My mother screamed. The flames went out, and there was no burn on the table. My father turned red. 

"Are there any more doubts?" the professor asked. My parents were too surprised to say anything. Or maybe they were just scared. "You will get your supplies at Diagon Alley. I will meet you outside your house tomorrow at 9:00 AM."

There was a loud crack, and she wasn't there anymore. Other than my parent's shocked expressions, there was no sign that she had ever entered the house. After a long silence, my father finally spoke. 
"Go to your room. We will talk tomorrow."

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