All Aboard the Hogwarts Express!

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Dogs228 (Thanks for giving me a good name for the raven! And sorry for the extremely late update. I was trying to maintain a schedule but failed miserably T-T)

I walked through the doors of the train station, looking around at all of the whistling trains. In my hands were my suitcase and Lila's cage. Her cawing attracted many stares from the pedestrians. My palms felt sweaty as I took out the ticket for the train. It said: Platform 3/4. I looked around, confused. Platform Nine and Three Quarters?! That doesn't exist! 

I bit my nails. If I couldn't get on that train, then I would miss out on an opportunity of a lifetime! I would miss my opportunity to get out of that horrid neighborhood and go somewhere where I'll be appreciated!

As I glanced at the different platforms, I started to panic. I stood between Platform 10 and 9. Think, Y/N! Think! These people are witches and wizards! They're not going to do things the normal way. Time to think outside the box. I set my suitcase down and placed my hand on the wall for Platform 10 and saw it slowly sink through. I scrambled back in shock, earning a couple more stares. 

"Yes!" I whispered to myself.

I grabbed my belongings and walked through the platform. The world seemed to bend and shift as I ended up on the opposite side of the barrier. I saw men, women and children walking around in cloaks. A huge train whistled on the tracks as I beamed. Who knew that magic would be so beautiful? I took one last look at my surroundings and clambered aboard the train. 

I strolled through the hallway, looking through the different compartments. They all seemed to be full. I looked inside one of the compartments. A little girl with shoulder length black hair sat there, all alone. I slid the door open.

"Um, hello! I'm Y/N! Can I sit here?" I asked. The girl turned around and stared at me. It was almost she could see my soul. 

"This compartment is full," the girl sneered. I looked at her, confused.

"But you're the only one here."

She rolled her eyes. "And I want to keep it that way. Now shoo!"

I grumbled and walked out of the compartment. Now where will I sit?! I looked through another compartment and saw the same boy that I saw at the pet shop. There's no way that I'm going to sit there! I looked around and saw one more compartment. Inside was a plump boy with a round face and a girl with very frizzy brown hair and bucked teeth. 

"Hello! Can I sit here?" I asked. I fidgeted with the button on my shirt. 

"Sure! I'm Hermione! What's your name?" The girl asked. I walked inside and sat down, relieved.

"I'm Y/N! It's nice to meet you, Hermione. And what's your name?" I glanced at the boy.

"I'm Neville Longbottom." He held a small toad in his hands. 

"It's nice to meet you two! Almost all of the other compartments were full!" 

"I got here early, so I was one of the first ones on the train. It gave me some time to practice spells." said Hermione.

"That's so cool! What spells do you know?" I asked in awe. She took a long stick out of her pocket and pointed it at me. It was her wand. 

"Obscuro!" she exclaimed. Instantly, a pair of black blindfolds appeared on my face out of thin air. I took the blindfolds off.

"Trevor!" shouted Neville. The tiny toad squeezed it's way through the boy's fingers and jump out of the compartment! I jumped up and ran after it, but it was so tiny that I couldn't see it anywhere. Neville sniffled and looked around. "I can't find him!"

"I'm sure we'll find Trevor soon." Hermione reassured Neville. Neville gave her a horrified look and lifted the bottom of his shoe. He sighed in relief.

"How about we ask people if they've seen Trevor?" I asked.

"Y-yeah we should do that." Neville wiped his nose with the sleeve of his cloak.

Hermione and I walked towards the different compartments. I slid one open and saw a boy with jet-black hair and a red-head boy. 

"You can take this compartment. I'll go to the next one." I motioned for her to go inside. In the next compartment was the rude girl from before and the blonde boy from the pet shop. I sighed as I slid the door open.

"Have you guys seen a toad?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2020 ⏰

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