Magical Menagerie

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(A/N: Thanks a lot for all of the reads! It really means a lot to me!)

As we walked in the store, the only thing we saw was a flurry of animals running around the store, and throwing things. An animal that looked like a furry platypus scurried around the store, holding a galleon in its tiny hand. A group of animals that looked like a crab with a seashell on it scuttled around the store, and occasionally, a fire would erupt out of the shell, scorching everything in its path. Professor McGonagall and I stood petrified in the doorway of the store. We looked towards the cash register and saw a young woman cowering behind the counter, with her hands over her head. I heard squeaking from above my head, and looked up. About a dozen bats were perched upside down on the ceiling. 

"Is... it always like this in the store?" I asked quietly.

"Er— no," said Professor McGonagall. 

She glanced at the mountain of open unlocked cages. 

In a flurry of movement, Professor McGonagall took out her wand and said, "Immobulus!"

All of the animals were frozen in place. The woman behind the counter sighed in relief.

"Thank you! Today was my first day, and one of the Nifflers picked lock for the cage and unlocked all of the other cages while I was helping a customer! I'm Elsie Cryce" said the woman. 

The bell of the door jingled as two people walked in the store. A man with an elegant cape and long, blonde hair walked inside with a small boy that was almost identical to the man. The man looked around the store in disgust. 

"What the- What is this mess? This is a respected establishment, and you've turned it into a mess!" shouted the man.

"Ah, Lucius. Seeing you is always such a pleasure," said Professor McGonagall, glaring at the man over the top of her glasses. He scoffed and turned away. 

"I suppose we'll have to go to a different store, Draco."

"Wait! I'm really sorry that there's a mess! You can buy something for half the price if you'd like!" said Elsie. 

The man turned around and smirked.

"Do you really not have that many customers? Well, what can I expect? Come on Draco, we're leaving!"

The boy stood still. "Wait, father! Look!" The boy pointed at a small raven and said, "I want that one, father!"

"There are many stores with the same type of bird. Let's go!" 

"But I want this one!"

The man sighed and rolled his eyes. It was a bit amusing seeing them argue. The boy really sounded like a spoiled brat, and the father was even worse. Elsie was just trying her best, and that man seemed almost happy to make her feel like a lesser person. 

"How much for the raven?" he asked.

"Are you sure you want that one? He's not very tame," Elsie said, nervously.

"I asked you a question!" shouted the man.

"T-ten galleons," said Elsie. The boy walked towards the raven, and put his hand out, and tried to stroke its small head, but the raven nipped the boy's finger, causing him to cry out and jump back. Elsie cringed and I let out a small giggle. The boy turned to me.

"You think this is funny! I'd like to see you try to pet it!" he shouted. My eyes widened. I wasn't good with animals. I slowly put my hand out to the raven, and it flew and landed on my shoulder. I stared at it in shock. The silence was broken by the boy groaning. 

"Nasty little pigeon. Come on, father, let's go," he said. He glared at me and walked away with his dad. 

"Do you want to buy the raven, Y/N?" asked Professor McGonagall. 

"Yes, yes I do," I smiled and stroked the raven's head. 

(A/N: What do you think the raven's name should be? Comment!)

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