emo bitch

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Rich felt the room around him spin. He coughed agressivly and had to hold his hand to his chest, he felt warm blood drip from his nose and his mouth tasted of copper. He fell to the ground in a wheezing mess and tried to inhale but felt his chest and stomache get tight and cold. He wasn't sure where he was, all he knew was it was dark and there was blue lighting that was getting glareing bright. He opened his mouth and hacked up blood onto his hands. He felt tears spill down his face. He felt heat lick at his legs and theighs. He tried to stand up and look down in shock. Flames sprouted from cracks in the dark floor and were climbing up his ankles. He sobbed in pain and stumbled backwards, landing on his back which knocked the air out of him. Rich woke up with a gasp. He held his chest and glanced around his room in a panic. He was in his bedroom, it was a nightmare.  Rich fell back onto his warm bed and stared at the walls. He had been having on and off nightmares for weeks ever since getting dismists from the hospital. He took a deep breathe and tried to go to sleep again. But he felt like it was watching him, its peircing blue gaze and chilling wispers. He heard something move in the corner of his room and shot up. It was his cat, Besty, streching in her cat bed. He took and deep breathe and looked down at his lap. He traced his hands over hia burn scars, the worat of them on his back. Rich stiffled a sniffle as he felt emotiona rack him. He had been so tired, and so weak since his Squip got turned off. He couldn't keep going like this. He felt tears roll down his cheeks and he sputtered a bit as he rubbed his hands down his burned arms. He couldn't keep jumping at every little sound, he couldn't keep having sleepless nights, he couldn't-
He felt something touch his knee. He looked up and saw a pale, blue hand. Rich sucked his breathe in and his gaze sloqly travled up and he made eyecontact with the idetity infront of him. "May I be of some assistence...?"

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