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TW: cutting, self depreciating thoughts, mentions of drugs.

Connor sat in his bedroom, blood dripped off his wrists and lower arms. He sighed, he deserved this. He was discusting, and a fucking druggie. He felt empty tears roll down his cheeks and his phone buzzed on his thiegh. He ignored it and picked the razor back up, no one was home, no one would stop him, no one would even... Care...?

Connor was about to cut when he heard a knock at the door. He ignored it and slit the skin just below his viens. Blood trickled onto his black sweatpants. He felt tears slip off his cheeks and onto his arm. "Your fucking gross." he scofted.

"I don't think your gross..."

Connor jumped and his view shot over to Evan, who stood before the door frame and looked at Connor with a look of pity in his eyes. Connor quickly threw the blanket over his arms, "Evan! W-why are you here...?" Evan looked at his shoes before quickly and quietly saying, "Urm... We uh, had the m-movie night?" he stammered out, his huge blue eyes looked up at Connor, who was felt shame and guilt build in his gut. Evan took a couple steps closer, before closing the gap between them and sat down next to Connor. "Evan what-"
But Connor was cut off as Evan gently traced his hand down Connors half covered arm. It stung, but Connor didnt mind, Evan slowly looked up at Connor. There was no words spoken, but Connor felt suddenly calm, and tired. Evan leaned against Connor, his head nudged between Connor's trap and his cheek.
"I let go."
Connor looked down at Evan. "What?"
Evan drew his hand over his thick plastered cast. "I-I didn't fall. I um..."
It clicked in Connor's mind, the tall boy lifted his sore arms and wrapped them around Evan, who was starting to shake as tears built up in his eyes. "I-I just felt so numb and just like, n-nobody heard me-" Evan paused as he hiccuped for breathe, emotions spilt out the boy like a broken dam. Connor shushed him, "I know... I know..." he tried to be reasuring, as he rubbed circles in the shorter blondes back.

"Nobody deserves to dissapear."

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