Dragon Prince;

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Name; Faelyn

Nickname; None

Gender; Male

Age; Unknown

Sexuality; Pansexual

Species; Startouch Elf


(Art isn't mine, but kudos to the artist for this amazing piece!)

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(Art isn't mine, but kudos to the artist for this amazing piece!)

Personality; Faelyn is a very gentle elf and loves knowledge. He's very wise and is often seen as a mom. He's nowhere near naïve or gullible and can see through lies and façades with almost no effort. Sometimes he can get very testy and moody, but overall he's a laidback and happy elf.

Likes; Knowledge, magic, the stars, studying and reading, training his magic and honing fighting skills
Dislikes; Being lied to, most hoomans

Talents; He has mastered all of the primordial elements (Fire, Sky, star, moon, and water, and earth), though he wishes not to turn out like Aaravos. Using a bow, hand to hand combat.

Hobbies; Creating runes, enchanting things, others are unknown

Weaknesses; He's prone to coughing fits, rendering him vulnerable when he has one.

Pets; Moonstrider named Polaris, though usually Polaris isn't with him

Other; Was mated to Aaravos, before he was imprisoned. He still seeks to find and free him.

Backstory; Unknown

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