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No one

It was the middle of the night. It was quiet in the car. Only the light sounds of snoring coming from the kids who were all asleep. Their mother was driving and their father aasn't to far behind. The children slept peacefully. Not knowing what was about to happen.

Their mother parked the car in a forest where no one could find them and got out leaving the doors unlocked. She quietly shut the car door so she wouldn't wake them and walked to her husbands car. She got in and they drove away. The parents made sure they didn't leave any evidence as to who left the kids there.

No license plate, no finger prints, no dna, and no document on the car. It was perfect. They could now live the life they always wanted to. A life without kids. They had never wanted kids but their mother was a hoe and got pregnant by 3 different men, but of course her husband never knew that none of those kids were his.

Their luggage was in the back of the car they were leaving korea for good. To start a new life in America. Far away form their old problems and children who they hated with a burning passion. They didn't care where their children would end up. Hell they wouldn't care if the children would be killed. All that mattered was themselves.


Yeonjun was the first to wake up. The sun was shining in his face and he moved to face the other way when he felt another smaller body next to him. He looked over and realized he wasn't in his room but in the car in the middle of the forest with the rest of his brothers.

He looked in the front seat. His parents were no where to be found. "Ok Yeonjun calm down the car just broke down and they went to get gas." Yeonjun tried to calm himself down from freaking out so he wouldn't scar his siblings who were still asleep. He opened the car door slowly so he could slip out and look around.

He gently pushed Kai off of him and slid out the car without waking them up and looked around. They were surrounded by trees. "If they went to get gas why didn't one stay?" Yeonjun asked himself as he looked around. He couldn't see a road, houses, or even buildings all he seen were trees.

Tall huge trees. He looked back at the car and went to the passengers seat. "If they went for gas than they surely would have left a note." Just as Yeonjun expected there was a note, but not a note he was hoping for. The note was in english which Yeonjun luckily knew.

The note read, "Dear which ever one of kids who found this, you are most likely Yeonjun since you are the only one who knows english. You are probably wondering where we are. Well, we are gone. We didn't want any of you so we left you all. We could have took Huening Kai but didn't want to separate you. All of your clothes and Kai's diapers are in the truck of the car you are in the middle of a huge forest and since none of you can drive you all are probably going to die here. Not that we care, you 5 were nothing but a couple of burdens who ruined everything for me and your father."

The note ended and Yeonjun was surprised. His parents who they all had loved had left them in a huge forest to die. He started to cry. He tried to silent his sobs so he wouldn't wake his sleeping brothers. He climbed in the passenger seat and looked back at his brothers with blurred vision. He wiped his eyes and leaned his head against the window. He tried his hardest not to cry anymore, he had to be strong for his brothers.

Tears still fell despite his attempts not to let them escape. He heard someone moving around in the backseat. He looked back and seen Kai awake. He was half asleep and looking around, probably looking for Yeonjun. "I'm right here." Yeonjun sniffed and looked back at Kai. He climbed over the console onto Yeonjun's lap.

Kai couldn't talk or walk, he still used baby bottles and a pacifier even though he was already 4 and these things should have been gone. Every time one of them tried to teach him Their parents would beat them.

The 4 never understood why he couldn't be taught how to walk, talk, or even  despite their confusion they were scared to ask since their parents would beat them for questioning their parenting kills. The 4 learned to get use to Kai being almost like a overgrown baby and Yeonjun got a little too attached and started carrying him around everyone so Kai would usually go to him.

Yeonjun leaned his head against the window once again as Kai rested his head on Yeonjun's shoulder. He sucked on his pacifier and looked around the forest in confusion/fear. "Hey don't look out their look at me." Yeonjun made a funny face which made Kai laugh loudly.

"Shhh you'll wake them up." Yeonjun hushed Kai as he pointed to the back seat. Kai understood and laid his head back on Yeon's shoulder. He yawned and slowly fell back asleep. Yeonjun tried falling asleep, but his mind kept racing. What was he going to do?

This was a long first chapter.

Wc: 930

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