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"Hyung why are we in the forest?" Beomgyu asked as I opened the car door. "We're camping." I smiled. "Without mother and father?" He tilted his head to the side in a confused manor. "No, mother and father are setting up the tent far away and won't be back for a long time because they want to make sure its safe." He nodded.

He than started playing with Kai and didn't ask anymore questions. "Beomgyu I'm going to into the forest stay here ok?" He nodded than went back to play with Kai who was giggling as Beomgyu squished his cheeks. I took a deep breath and closed the car door.

I started walking in a different way than I did the first time. This time I seen something father in the distance. "What's that?" I asked myself as I got father from the car going towards the unknown thing in the distance. I stayed in one direction not wanting to get lost in this huge forest. As I got closer I could make out the thing in the distance. It was a huge house. It looked like people lived in it.

The outside of the house clean and no vines or cracks lined the walls on the house. "Okay, this has to be a joke. No one would move out in the middle of the forest and build a giant house." That's when I saw it. It was a boy with blond hair and he was flying. "I have to be hallucinating humans can't fly, that's impossible." I started to walk back to the car. The walk felt long than when I first started, but I somehow knew I was going in the right direction.

I started humming trying to pass time and not think about my hallucination. I still found myself thinking about it. How could someone be flying? Is that's why they are in the middle of the forest? To hide their powers or maybe it truly was just a hallucination but I haven't been out here that long to hallucinate. I made it back to the car and seen that now everyone was awake.

"Beomgyu didn't I tell you to stay in the car?" He pointed to Soobin. "He got out first and I followed and after that Taehyun followed me and than we took Kai out because he was crying." I took Huening Kai from Soobin. "Hyung what happens when it gets nighttime? I'm scared of the dark." Beomgyu said as he looked at the sky.

I thought back to the house I seen in the forest. "I know a place but I have to make sure its safe first." Than it hit me. What if they knew we were already here? If that wasn't actually an hallucination than they could easily see us. Since we're in a clearing in the forest which means we are very noticeable.

"Hyung what do you mean if its safe? We're the only ones here." Soobin said as he sat on the grass. I shrugged not wanting to explain myself. I looked over a taehyun was being extremely quiet. "Taehyun what's wrong?" He shook his head no. He pointed at the rest than looked back at me. "You don't want to tell me in front of them?" He nodded. "Ok Beomgyu Soobin, go get in the car for a second." He complied and got in the car.

"What's wrong Taehyun?" He was hesitate at first but soon spoke. "I seen someone doing magic, but it was really real magic. He was flying." I was shocked. He couldn't have seen the same thing as me. It was a hallucination that's all it was. "Taehyun when did you see this?" I asked. "It was in the middle of the night last night. I seen him flying over the clearing and it was like he was looking for something."

He seen the person before me. It couldn't have been a hallucination if he seen it too and he's seen it before me. "What was his hair color?" Taehyun looked at me in a confused manor. "It was blond why hyung?"

Okay that's it we're both crazy that's the explanation. People don't fly they stay on the ground. Humans aren't suppose to fly we stay on the ground. "Taehyun it was you're imagination."

"It wasn't my imagination hyung. I know what I seen he was flying." I sighed. "Taehyun you have an overactive imagination. You just imagined it that's all."

I feel like this book sucks🙃🙃

Wc: 758

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